
Publish an API plugin

Publishing an API plugin involves submitting your manifest, sharing any authentication details, and selecting the markets where your API plugin is relevant. When you publish an API plugin, it becomes available in Microsoft Copilot.


These features are in Private Preview.

To publish an API plugin:

  1. Sign in to your Partner Center dashboard (if you are a member of the Private Preview). The Home page appears:

    Home page at Partner Center

  2. Click the Plugins tile. The Plugins page opens:

    The Plugins page

  3. To create a new API plugin, click + New plugin. Or, to update an existing API plugin, click the plugin's name. If you're creating a new API plugin, the New Plugin dialog opens:

    The 'New Plugin' dialog

  4. In the Plugin alias text box, enter a descriptive name for the API plugin. The above example shows entering Product Finder as the alias for the API plugin. The plugin alias is only for internal use within Partner Center. For all other purposes, the name that's inside your API plugin manifest is used.

  5. Click the Create button. The API plugin detail form appears:

    The API plugin detail form

    This example shows Product Finder as the alias for the API plugin.

  6. In the Manifest URL text box, enter the URL of your API plugin manifest.

    We recommend placing your API plugin manifest file at the following path under your domain name: /.well-known/ai-plugin.json, though any path under your verified domain will be accepted. Example of the resulting full path: https://contoso.com/.well-known/ai-plugin.json.

  7. In the section Select the appropriate authentication for your plugin APIs, select the authentication method that's required by your API plugin:

    • None
    • Service level (Bearer)
    • OAuth (client credentials)

    For more information, see Restrict access to your API plugin.

  8. In the Markets section, click the Edit markets link. The Edit markets dialog opens:

    The Edit markets dialog

  9. Select the markets where you want your API plugin to be available and visible, and then click the Save button.

  10. At the top of the API plugin detail form, click the Save draft or Publish button. If there are any issues in your submission, descriptive error messages are displayed. Fix the issues, and then click the Save draft or Publish button again.

  11. After you submit your API plugin, a validation and certification process is started. When certification is successful, your API plugin is published. If certification fails, Microsoft will contact you with more details.

See also