Class AnchorLocateCriteria

Specifies a set of criteria for locating anchors.

Within the object, the properties Identifiers, NearAnchor, and NearDevice help specify which anchors should be found. BypassCache and Strategy help specify how anchors should be found, while RequestedCategories helps specify the type of data requested. Identifiers, NearAnchor, and NearDevice properties work exclusive of each other, and only one of them should be provided. Properties for exactly ONE of either Identifiers, NearAnchor, or NearDevice is required. Providing none or more than one is prohibited. See "How-to" and "Concepts" pages for more information and examples.

class Microsoft::Azure::SpatialAnchors::AnchorLocateCriteria final : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Microsoft::Azure::SpatialAnchors::AnchorLocateCriteria>



Whether locate should bypass the local cache of anchors.

auto BypassCache() const -> bool;
auto BypassCache(bool value) -> void;


Indicates the CloudSpatialAnchor identifiers to locate. Maximum limit of 35 anchors per watcher.

Any anchors within this list will match this criteria.

auto Identifiers() const -> std::vector<std::string>;
auto Identifiers(std::vector<std::string> const& value) -> void;


Indicates that anchors to locate should be close to a specific anchor.

auto NearAnchor() const -> std::shared_ptr<Microsoft::Azure::SpatialAnchors::NearAnchorCriteria>;
auto NearAnchor(std::shared_ptr<Microsoft::Azure::SpatialAnchors::NearAnchorCriteria> const& value) -> void;


Indicates that anchors to locate should be close to the device.

Any enabled sensors will be used to help discover anchors around your device. To have the best chance of finding anchors, you should configure the SensorCapabilities to give the session access to all appropriate sensors.

auto NearDevice() const -> std::shared_ptr<Microsoft::Azure::SpatialAnchors::NearDeviceCriteria>;
auto NearDevice(std::shared_ptr<Microsoft::Azure::SpatialAnchors::NearDeviceCriteria> const& value) -> void;


Categories of data that are requested.

auto RequestedCategories() const -> Microsoft::Azure::SpatialAnchors::AnchorDataCategory;
auto RequestedCategories(Microsoft::Azure::SpatialAnchors::AnchorDataCategory value) -> void;


Indicates the strategy by which anchors will be located.

auto Strategy() const -> Microsoft::Azure::SpatialAnchors::LocateStrategy;
auto Strategy(Microsoft::Azure::SpatialAnchors::LocateStrategy value) -> void;