
Class SessionStatus


struct winrt::Microsoft::Azure::SpatialAnchors::SessionStatus


This type describes the status of spatial data processing.



The level of data sufficiency for a successful operation. This value will be in the [0;1) range when data is insufficient; 1 when data is sufficient for success and greater than 1 when conditions are better than minimally sufficient.

float ReadyForCreateProgress();


The ratio of data available to recommended data to create an anchor. This value will be in the [0;1) range when data is below the recommended threshold; 1 and greater when the recommended amount of data has been gathered for a creation operation.

float RecommendedForCreateProgress();


A hash value that can be used to know when environment data that contributes to a creation operation has changed to included the latest input data. If the hash value does not change after new frames were added to the session, then those frames were not deemed as sufficientlyy different from existing environment data and disgarded. This value may be 0 (and should be ignored) for platforms that don't feed frames individually.

int32_t SessionCreateHash();


A hash value that can be used to know when environment data that contributes to a locate operation has changed to included the latest input data. If the hash value does not change after new frames were added to the session, then those frames were not deemed as sufficiency different from existing environment data and disgarded. This value may be 0 (and should be ignored) for platforms that don't feed frames individually.

int32_t SessionLocateHash();


Feedback that can be provided to user about data processing status.

winrt::Microsoft::Azure::SpatialAnchors::SessionUserFeedback UserFeedback();