
BinaryLogRecordKind Enum


Indicates the type of record stored in the binary log. There is a record type for each type of build event and there are also few meta-data record types (e.g. string data, lookup data, EOF).

public enum class BinaryLogRecordKind
public enum BinaryLogRecordKind
type BinaryLogRecordKind = 
Public Enum BinaryLogRecordKind


AssemblyLoad 27
BuildFinished 2
BuildStarted 1
CriticalBuildMessage 13
EndOfFile 0
EnvironmentVariableRead 21
Error 9
Message 11
NameValueList 23
ProjectEvaluationFinished 15
ProjectEvaluationStarted 14
ProjectFinished 4
ProjectImportArchive 17
ProjectImported 16
ProjectStarted 3
PropertyInitialValueSet 22
PropertyReassignment 19
ResponseFileUsed 26
String 24
TargetFinished 6
TargetSkipped 18
TargetStarted 5
TaskCommandLine 12
TaskFinished 8
TaskParameter 25
TaskStarted 7
UninitializedPropertyRead 20
Warning 10

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