
AvailablePropertyValueProvider Class


A provider that enables a partial graph to participate in differencing with a complete graph.

A partial graph is a graph that does not contain all properties because some values are not set, or the values are set to some default values.

Before a graph is walked, the differencer looks up all known AvailablePropertyValueProvider in the system and asks if any of the providers supports one of the graphs to be compared. If a provider indicates that it supports the graph, the graph is a partial graph.

When a partial graph is walked, the differencer calls
IsValueAvailable() for each property of each object. If true is returned, the property is compared. If false is returned, then the property is skipped.

public abstract class AvailablePropertyValueProvider : Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Differencing.SPI.Provider
type AvailablePropertyValueProvider = class
    interface Provider
Public MustInherit Class AvailablePropertyValueProvider
Implements Provider





Indicates if this provider supports the specified graph. If it is, returns true, false otherwise.

If true is returned, calls to IsValueAvailable() must return valid meaningful value.

The method is called only once on the root node of each graph.

IsValueAvailable(ISfcSimpleNode, String)

Checks whether a property value is available. If it is not, the comparison is not performed; else, consider it in the comparison.

Applies to