
IntellisenseKeyboardCommand Enum


Represents the set of keyboard commands that can be issued to IntelliSense presenters.

public enum class IntellisenseKeyboardCommand
public enum class IntellisenseKeyboardCommand
enum IntellisenseKeyboardCommand
public enum IntellisenseKeyboardCommand
type IntellisenseKeyboardCommand = 
Public Enum IntellisenseKeyboardCommand


BottomLine 5

The go to the bottom line command.

DecreaseFilterLevel 11

The decrease filter level command.

Down 1

The down arrow command.

End 7

The end command.

Enter 8

The enter, or return, command.

Escape 9

The escape command.

Home 6

The home command.

IncreaseFilterLevel 10

The increase filter level command.

PageDown 3

The page down command.

PageUp 2

The page up command.

TopLine 4

The go to the top line command

Up 0

The up arrow command.

Applies to