BinaryReader.ReadByte メソッド
一部の情報は、リリース前に大きく変更される可能性があるプレリリースされた製品に関するものです。 Microsoft は、ここに記載されている情報について、明示または黙示を問わず、一切保証しません。
現在のストリームから次のバイトを読み取り、ストリームの現在位置を 1 バイトだけ進めます。
virtual System::Byte ReadByte();
public virtual byte ReadByte ();
abstract member ReadByte : unit -> byte
override this.ReadByte : unit -> byte
Public Overridable Function ReadByte () As Byte
I/O エラーが発生しました。
次のコード例は、メモリをバッキング ストアとして使用してバイナリ データを書き込み、データが正しく書き込まれたことを確認する方法を示しています。
using namespace System;
using namespace System::IO;
int main()
int i = 0;
// Create random data to write to the stream.
array<Byte>^writeArray = gcnew array<Byte>(1000);
(gcnew Random)->NextBytes( writeArray );
BinaryWriter^ binWriter = gcnew BinaryWriter( gcnew MemoryStream );
BinaryReader^ binReader = gcnew BinaryReader( binWriter->BaseStream );
// Write the data to the stream.
Console::WriteLine( "Writing the data." );
for ( i = 0; i < writeArray->Length; i++ )
binWriter->Write( writeArray[ i ] );
// Set the stream position to the beginning of the stream.
binReader->BaseStream->Position = 0;
// Read and verify the data from the stream.
for ( i = 0; i < writeArray->Length; i++ )
if ( binReader->ReadByte() != writeArray[ i ] )
Console::WriteLine( "Error writing the data." );
return -1;
Console::WriteLine( "The data was written and verified." );
// Catch the EndOfStreamException and write an error message.
catch ( EndOfStreamException^ e )
Console::WriteLine( "Error writing the data.\n{0}", e->GetType()->Name );
using System;
using System.IO;
class BinaryRW
static void Main()
int i = 0;
// Create random data to write to the stream.
byte[] writeArray = new byte[1000];
new Random().NextBytes(writeArray);
BinaryWriter binWriter = new BinaryWriter(new MemoryStream());
BinaryReader binReader =
new BinaryReader(binWriter.BaseStream);
// Write the data to the stream.
Console.WriteLine("Writing the data.");
for(i = 0; i < writeArray.Length; i++)
// Set the stream position to the beginning of the stream.
binReader.BaseStream.Position = 0;
// Read and verify the data from the stream.
for(i = 0; i < writeArray.Length; i++)
if(binReader.ReadByte() != writeArray[i])
Console.WriteLine("Error writing the data.");
Console.WriteLine("The data was written and verified.");
// Catch the EndOfStreamException and write an error message.
catch(EndOfStreamException e)
Console.WriteLine("Error writing the data.\n{0}",
open System
open System.IO
// Create random data to write to the stream.
let writeArray = Array.zeroCreate<byte> 1000
Random().NextBytes writeArray
let binWriter = new BinaryWriter(new MemoryStream())
let binReader = new BinaryReader(binWriter.BaseStream)
// Write the data to the stream.
printfn "Writing the data."
for i = 0 to writeArray.Length - 1 do
binWriter.Write writeArray[i]
// Set the stream position to the beginning of the stream.
binReader.BaseStream.Position <- 0
let mutable failed = false
// Read and verify the data from the stream.
for i = 0 to writeArray.Length - 1 do
if binReader.ReadByte() <> writeArray[i] then
printfn "Error writing the data."
failed <- true
if not failed then
printfn "The data was written and verified."
// Catch the EndOfStreamException and write an error message.
with :? EndOfStreamException as e ->
printfn $"Error writing the data.\n{e.GetType().Name}"
Imports System.IO
Public Class BinaryRW
Shared Sub Main()
Dim i As Integer = 0
' Create random data to write to the stream.
Dim writeArray(1000) As Byte
Dim randomGenerator As New Random()
Dim binWriter As New BinaryWriter(New MemoryStream())
Dim binReader As New BinaryReader(binWriter.BaseStream)
' Write the data to the stream.
Console.WriteLine("Writing the data.")
For i = 0 To writeArray.Length - 1
Next i
' Set the stream position to the beginning of the stream.
binReader.BaseStream.Position = 0
' Read and verify the data from the stream.
For i = 0 To writeArray.Length - 1
If binReader.ReadByte() <> writeArray(i) Then
Console.WriteLine("Error writing the data.")
End If
Next i
Console.WriteLine("The data was written and verified.")
' Catch the EndOfStreamException and write an error message.
Catch ex As EndOfStreamException
Console.WriteLine("Error writing the data: {0}", _
End Try
End Sub
End Class
BinaryReader は、読み取りが失敗した後にファイルの位置を復元しません。
共通 I/O タスクの一覧は、 共通 I/O タスク を参照してください。
.NET に関するフィードバック
.NET はオープンソース プロジェクトです。 フィードバックを提供するにはリンクを選択します。