

Get started with C/SIDE and AL for on-premises

To get started with a mixed development environment of C/SIDE and AL, you must follow the steps below.

Steps to install Business Central on-premises with C/SIDE and AL development environment

  1. Install Business Central on-premises and make sure to include the AL Development Environment.
  2. Download Visual Studio Code.
  3. From Visual Studio Code, locate Extensions in the left navigation bar, and then choose Install from vsix.
  4. Browse to the equivalent folder of C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central\160\AL Development Environment and then choose Install.
  5. Now, select Alt+A, Alt+L to trigger the AL Go! command, choose a project, the target platform, and then choose Your own server.
  6. Authenticate with the credentials you use for signing into Business Central on-premises.
  7. In the launch.json file, update the "server": "https://localhost" setting with the URL for server running Business Central on-premises and save the file.
  8. In the app.json file, add the "target": "OnPrem" setting.
  9. Now, use the Business Central Administration Console to ensure that the settings on the Development tab are set as follows:
    • Allowed Extension Target Level is set to OnPrem.
    • Enable Developer Service Endpoint checkbox is selected.
    • Enable Loading Application Symbol References at Server Startup checkbox is selected.
  10. Make sure to read and ensure any additional settings here Running C/SIDE and AL Side-by-Side.


For information about which sandboxes you can choose, see Sandbox Environments for Dynamics 365 Business Central Development.


Build and get inspired by our sample library on GitHub.

See also

AL development environment
FAQ for developing in AL