

Direct Debit Using Domiciliation

A domiciliation is a financial agreement between you and your customers, allowing you to automatically collect the payments for customer's invoices through a preferred bank account. Domiciliations can only be processed for domestic customers with domestic bank accounts. Domiciliations in foreign currencies or involving foreign banks are not supported.

Direct debit domiciliation is useful for companies with many customers or subscribers, such as a utility company or a publishing company.

Before you can start using electronic banking for domiciliations, you must enter certain basic information.

  • Domiciliation number - This is a unique code obtained from the bank which identifies the domiciliation agreement between you, your customer, and the bank. The contract contains details regarding payment frequency, bank account numbers, and amounts. When you send your payments to the bank, the bank will use the domiciliation number to identify all parties involved.

  • Preferred bank account - The preferred bank account will be suggested as a default bank account on all domiciliation suggestions for that customer. If necessary, you can change the bank account before posting the domiciliation suggestions. For more information, see Generate Domiciliation Suggestions.

Set Up Domiciliations

Before you can use electronic banking for domiciliations, you must enter the customer's domiciliation number and preferred bank account.


You should use one bank account per customer for all domiciliations.

To set up domiciliation

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Customers, and then choose the related link.

  2. Select the customer, and then choose the Edit action.

  3. Fill in the fields as described in the following table.

    Field Description
    Domiciliation Enter the domiciliation number for the customer. This number will be used when you create domiciliations for this customer.
    Preferred Bank Account Enter the preferred bank account for transactions with this customer. This account will be used when you create a payment suggestion for this customer.

Generate Domiciliation Suggestions

After you have set up domiciliations, you can start generating domiciliation suggestions. In Business Central, you can create domiciliation suggestions for domestic customers only.

To generate domiciliation suggestions

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Domiciliation Journal, and then choose the related link.

  2. In the Batch Name field, select the required journal batch, and then choose the Suggest Domiciliations action.

  3. Fill in the fields as displayed in the following table.

    Field Description
    Due Date Enter the due date to be included in the batch job. Only entries that have a due date before or on this date will be included.
    Take Payment Discounts Select if you want the batch job to include customer ledger entries for which you can receive a payment discount.
    Payment Discount Date Enter the date that will be used to calculate the payment discount.
    Select Possible Refunds Select if you want the batch job to include refunds.
    Posting Date Enter the date that will appear as the posting date on the lines that the batch job inserts in the domiciliation journal.
  4. Enter any additional filter criteria.

  5. Choose the OK button.

When the batch job is finished, the domiciliation journal contains all open customer ledger entries that match the filters.


The domiciliation suggestions will include only customers who have a Domiciliation number set up. For more information, see the Set Up Domiciliations section.

Edit and Delete Domiciliation Lines

After you have generated domiciliation suggestions, you might want to change the domiciliations lines. For example, you might want to reassign a bank account or prevent payment for a specific customer or customer ledger entry.

After you have modified the journal lines, print the Domiciliation Journal - Test report to test all journal lines.

The Suggest Domiciliations batch job creates domiciliation suggestions for all customers matching the specified criteria.

To edit a journal line

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Domiciliation Journals, and then choose the related link.
  2. In the Batch Name field, select the required journal batch.
  3. Select the journal line, and edit the fields.

To delete a journal line

1 Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Domiciliation Journals, and then choose the related link.
2. In the Batch Name field, select the required journal batch.
3. Select the journal line, and then choose the Delete action.
4. Choose the Yes button.

Test Domiciliations

To test the domiciliation journal lines, you can use the Domiciliation Journal - Test report. This report prints an overview of all journal lines, along with any errors such as missing fields or incorrect bank accounts. You have to correct all errors before you can post the lines.

To print a domiciliation test report

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Domiciliation Journal, and then choose the related link.
  2. In the Batch Name field, select the required journal batch.
  3. Choose the Test Report action.
  4. Choose the Print button to print the report, or choose the Preview button to view it on the screen.

Export and Post Domiciliations

You can submit domiciliations to your bank by exporting the data to a file. When you export to a file, you can choose to automatically post the lines to the general ledger.

Depending on setup of the SEPA Direct Debit Exp. Format field on the Bank Account Card page, the File Domiciliations action opens either of these request pages:

  • Create Gen. Jnl. Lines page – for the SEPA Direct Debit format.
  • File Domiciliations page – for domestic formats.

To export and post domiciliations

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Domiciliation Journals, and then choose the related link.

  2. In the Batch Name field, select the required journal batch, and then choose the File Domiciliations action.

  3. On the Create Gen. Jnl. Lines page, fill in the fields. Hover over a field to read a short description.

    If your company is set up to use the ISABEL format, the File Domiciliations page appears instead.

  4. Choose the OK button to export the file.

  5. Choose an appropriate location from where you upload the file to your bank, and then choose Save.

  6. Choose the Yes button to automatically post the domiciliation journal lines.

    If you did not select the Post General Journal Lines check box, you will have to post the domiciliations manually in the general journal.


    After you have posted domiciliations in the general journal, delete the posted domiciliations on the Domiciliation Journal page. To do this, select all lines with status Posted, and then choose the Delete action.

See Also

Belgian Electronic Payments
Belgian Electronic Banking

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