
Overview of Microsoft Cloud for Financial services reference architecture

With digital banking adoption soaring and remote work becoming the new norm, financial services institutions are grappling with the need for rapid digital transformation. Financial organizations are seeking opportunities to unlock value creation, with cloud adoption and streamlined business processes offering promising avenues. However, with increasing threats of fraud and the unprecedented intensity of regulatory scrutiny, security and compliance are more crucial than ever before. In this transformation era, it is clear that the key to success lies in navigating these challenges with foresight, agility, and innovative approaches to safeguard both customers and institutions alike.

To address these emerging needs of financial institutions, Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services provides capabilities to manage financial services data at scale and makes it easier for financial services organizations to deliver differentiated experiences, empower employees, and combat financial crime.

The Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services builds on an industry specific data model, which constitutes a common core for our partners and customers to build on. The financial services data model as well as a selected set of re-usable first party starter apps, components and building blocks accelerates our partners time to market and enhances their solutions interoperability. Based on Microsoft’s horizontal cloud services, the Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services accelerates insights, business flows and the implementation of game changing AI solutions. On this foundation our partners and customers are realizing solutions which streamline processes through higher levels of automation, personalize and improve customer experience through every interaction and delivers rich data insights.

The reference architecture provides an input into how financial institutions can adopt Microsoft services and solutions. It can also help to reduce the risk of errors and oversights during the design and development process, as it provides a clear set of guidelines to follow. This guide will help system administrators, enterprise architects, and IT managers collaborate and communicate effectively about implementing end-to-end solutions based on the Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services. The following reference architecture artifacts provide an overview of the Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services products and services that support specific financial services scenarios.

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