Word.Alignment enum
// Link to full sample: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OfficeDev/office-js-snippets/prod/samples/word/25-paragraph/paragraph-properties.yaml
await Word.run(async (context) => {
const body: Word.Body = context.document.body;
"Do you want to create a solution that extends the functionality of Word? You can use the Office Add-ins platform to extend Word clients running on the web, on a Windows desktop, or on a Mac.",
"Use add-in commands to extend the Word UI and launch task panes that run JavaScript that interacts with the content in a Word document. Any code that you can run in a browser can run in a Word add-in. Add-ins that interact with content in a Word document create requests to act on Word objects and synchronize object state.",
body.paragraphs.getFirst().alignment = "Left";
body.paragraphs.getLast().alignment = Word.Alignment.left;
centered = "Centered" | 中央への配置。 |
justified = "Justified" | 完全に正当化されたアライメント。 |
left = "Left" | 左側への配置。 |
mixed = "Mixed" | |
right = "Right" | 右側への配置。 |
unknown = "Unknown" | 不明なアラインメント。 |
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Office Add-ins