
Compliance Snapshot API Data Restrictions

As part of our commitment to delivering the best possible experience to our members we continuously evaluate and refine our APIs. In this regard, we will be imposing data restrictions on the ugcPosts API, Social Actions API, and Profile API effective September 15th, 2023.


The following restrictions apply only to access_tokens with r_compliance permission.

Restrictions on /ugcPosts API

1. Get UGC Posts by URN

API: GET https://api.linkedin.com/v2/ugcPosts/{encodedURN}

Documentation: Get UGC Posts by URN

API will return ugcPost data only if one of following conditions are met

  1. The author of the post is the regulated member whose access_token is being used.
  2. Post mentions the regulated member whose access_token is being used.
  3. If it is a company post (author = companyPage), The regulated member (whose access_token is being used) is the admin of the company page which authored the post.
  4. The post mentions a company the regulated member (whose access_token is being used) is an admin of.

For API call which do not meet the above conditions, the API will return 403 FORBIDDEN with the following sample response

Response Status Code: 403 FORBIDDEN

"message": "Not enough permissions to access urn:li:ugcPost:<ugcPostId>",
    "status": 403

2. Find UGC Posts by Authors

API: GET https://api.linkedin.com/v2/ugcPosts?q=authors&authors=List({author})

Documentation: Find UGC Posts by Authors

This API returns all the posts authored by the entity (author) specified as a queryParam in the API. If the author specified in the request is a LinkedIn user, i.e. a personUrn, the API returns all the posts authored by the LinkedIn User. If the author specified in the request is a Company Page i.e. an organizationURN, the API returns all the posts authored by the company page, also known as Company Posts.

The data restrictions would allow developers to query posts authored by the regulated member (whose access_token is used) or authored by a company page the regulated member is an admin of.

API will return a list of ugcPost data which satisfy the following conditions:

  1. If the author specified in the request is a personURN, API will return ugcPosts authored by the personURN only if the personURN is of the regulated member (whose access_token is being used), else return an empty list.

  2. If the author specified in the request is an organizationURN, API will return the company posts only if the regulated member is an admin of the company page, else return an empty list.

3. Find UGC Posts by Container Entities

API: GET https://api.linkedin.com/v2/ugcPosts?q=containerEntities&containerEntities=List(groupURN)

Documentation: Find UGC Posts by Container Entities

This API returns all the posts created inside a LinkedIn Group (groupURN). Access to this API would be removed. All posts created by a regulated member including group posts are covered in #2 Find UGC Posts by Authors.

Restrictions on /socialActions API

1. Retrieve a Summary of Social Actions

API: GET https://api.linkedin.com/v2/socialActions/{postURN}

Documentation: Retrieve a Summary of Social Actions

API will return a summary of social actions (reactions and comment) only if:

  1. The post is authored by the regulated member (whose access_token is being used).
  2. The regulated member (whose access_token is being used) is mentioned in the root post.

For API call which do not meet the above conditions, the API will return 403 FORBIDDEN with the following sample response

Response Status Code: 403 FORBIDDEN

    "message": "member is unauthorized on urn:li:ugcPost:7069273348039405569",
    "status": 403

2. Retrieve Comments / Likes on a post

API: GET https://api.linkedin.com/v2/socialActions/{postURN}/comments

Documentation: Retrieve Comments on a post

API: GET https://api.linkedin.com/v2/socialActions/{postURN}/likes

Documentation: Retrieve Likes on a post

API will return a list of comments / likes on a post only if:

  1. The root post is authored by the regulated member (whose access_token is being used).
  2. The regulated member (whose access_token is being used) is mentioned in the root post.

For API call which do not meet the above conditions, the API will return 403 FORBIDDEN with the following sample response

Response Status Code: 403 FORBIDDEN

    "message": "member is unauthorized on urn:li:ugcPost:7069273348039405569",
    "status": 403

3. Retrieve a Comment

API: GET https://api.linkedin.com/v2/socialActions/{postURN}/comments/{commentId}

Documentation: Retrieve a Comment

Access to this API would be removed. All comments on a regulated member’s post is captured in #2 Retrieve Comments / Likes on a post. Also comments made by a regulated member are captured in /complianceEvents API.

Restrictions on /people API

1. Retrieve a regulated member’s profile

API: GET https://api.linkedin.com/v2/me

Documentation: Retrieve a regulated member’s profile

NO CHANGES to /me API. /me API returns FULL PROFILE details of the regulated member (whose access_token is being used).

2. Retrieve other Member’s profile

API: GET https://api.linkedin.com/v2/people/(id:{personURN})

Documentation: Retrieve a regulated member’s profile

API will return only the basic profile fields (Field list) for the LinkedIn User.