interface ICoreWebView2ExperimentalEnvironmentOptions2


This reference is no longer being maintained. For the latest API reference, see WebView2 API Reference.


This an experimental API that is shipped with our prerelease SDK. See WebView2 release notes.

interface ICoreWebView2ExperimentalEnvironmentOptions2
  : public IUnknown

Additional options used to create WebView2 Environment.


Members Descriptions
get_IsCustomCrashReportingEnabled When IsCustomCrashReportingEnabled is set to TRUE, Windows won't send crash data to Microsoft endpoint.
put_IsCustomCrashReportingEnabled Sets the IsCustomCrashReportingEnabled property.

Applies to

Product Introduced
WebView2 Win32 N/A
WebView2 Win32 Prerelease



When IsCustomCrashReportingEnabled is set to TRUE, Windows won't send crash data to Microsoft endpoint.

public HRESULT get_IsCustomCrashReportingEnabled(BOOL * value)

IsCustomCrashReportingEnabled is default to be FALSE, in this case, WebView will respect OS consent.


Sets the IsCustomCrashReportingEnabled property.

public HRESULT put_IsCustomCrashReportingEnabled(BOOL value)