
CoreWebView2ClientCertificate Class

Represents a client certificate. Gives access to a certificate's metadata.


Members Description
DerEncodedSerialNumber Base64 encoding of DER encoded serial number of the certificate. Read more about DER at RFC 7468 DER.
DisplayName Display name for a certificate.
Issuer Name of the certificate authority that issued the certificate.
Kind Kind of a certificate. See CoreWebView2ClientCertificateKind for descriptions.
PemEncodedIssuerCertificateChain Returns list of PEM encoded client certificate issuer chain. In this list first element is the current certificate followed by intermediate1, intermediate2...intermediateN-1. Root certificate is the last element in the list.
Subject Subject of the certificate.
ValidFrom The valid start date and time for the certificate as the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch.
ValidTo The valid expiration date and time for the certificate as the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch.
ToCertificate Converts this to a Certificate.
ToPemEncoding PEM encoded data for the certificate. Returns Base64 encoding of DER encoded certificate. Read more about PEM at RFC 1421 Privacy Enhanced Mail.



readonly string DerEncodedSerialNumber

Base64 encoding of DER encoded serial number of the certificate. Read more about DER at RFC 7468 DER.


readonly string DisplayName

Display name for a certificate.


readonly string Issuer

Name of the certificate authority that issued the certificate.


readonly CoreWebView2ClientCertificateKind Kind

Kind of a certificate. See CoreWebView2ClientCertificateKind for descriptions.


readonly IVectorView<string> PemEncodedIssuerCertificateChain

Returns list of PEM encoded client certificate issuer chain. In this list first element is the current certificate followed by intermediate1, intermediate2...intermediateN-1. Root certificate is the last element in the list.


readonly string Subject

Subject of the certificate.


readonly double ValidFrom

The valid start date and time for the certificate as the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch.


readonly double ValidTo

The valid expiration date and time for the certificate as the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch.



Certificate ToCertificate()

Converts this to a Certificate.


string ToPemEncoding()

PEM encoded data for the certificate. Returns Base64 encoding of DER encoded certificate. Read more about PEM at RFC 1421 Privacy Enhanced Mail.

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