

Addons Documentation - manifest.json

The manifest file contains all the basic information about the pack that Minecraft needs to identify it. The tables below contain all the components of the manifest, their individual properties, and what they mean.


To learn more about how to get started with writing manifest.json files in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition, you can view the Introduction to Resource Packs Tutorial.


Name Description
format_version The syntax version used in the manifest file. This may be 1 for skin packs or 2 for resource, behavior, and world templates.
header Section containing information regarding the name of the pack, description, and other features that are public facing.
modules Section containing information regarding the type of content that is being brought in.
dependencies Section containing definitions for any other packs that are required in order for this manifest.json file to work.
capabilities Section containing optional features that can be enabled in Minecraft.
metadata Section containing the metadata about the file such as authors and licensing information.
Name Type Description
allow_random_seed Boolean This option will generate a random seed every time a template is loaded and allow the player to change the seed before creating a new world. (world template manifest JSON only)
base_game_version Vector [a, b, c] This is the version of the base game your world template requires, specified as [majorVersion, minorVersion, revision]. We use this to determine what version of the base game resource and behavior packs to apply when your content is used. (world template manifest JSON only)
description String This is a short description of the pack. It will appear in the game below the name of the pack. We recommend keeping it to 1-2 lines.
lock_template_options Boolean This option is required for any world templates. This will lock the player from modifying the options of the world. (world template manifest JSON only)
min_engine_version Vector [a, b, c] This is the minimum version of the game that this pack was written for. This is a required field for resource and behavior packs. This helps the game identify whether any backwards compatibility is needed for your pack. You should always use the highest version currently available when creating packs.
name String This is the name of the pack as it appears within Minecraft. This is a required field.
pack_scope String For resource packs, an optional string that specifies whether this resource pack can be used across the game or at an individual world level. Valid values are "world", which specifies that a pack is only addable in the context of a world "global", which means that a pack is only addable across the game, and "any" which indicates that a pack can apply either across the game or to a specific world. If not specified, this is interpreted as "any".
uuid String This is a special type of identifier that uniquely identifies this pack from any other pack. UUIDs are written in the format xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx where each x is a hexadecimal value (0-9 or a-f). We recommend using an online service to generate this and guarantee their uniqueness.
version Vector [a, b, c] or SemVer String This is the version of your pack in the format [majorVersion, minorVersion, revision]. The version number is used when importing a pack that has been imported before. The new pack will replace the old one if the version is higher, and ignored if it's the same or lower.


Name Type Description
description String This is a short description of the module. This is not user-facing at the moment but is a good place to remind yourself why the module is defined.
type String This is the type of the module. Can be any of the following: resources, data, world_template or script.
uuid String This is a unique identifier for the module in the same format as the pack's UUID in the header. This should be different from the pack's UUID, and different for every module.
version Vector [a, b, c] or SemVer String This is the version of the module in the same format as the pack's version in the header. This can be used to further identify changes in your pack.
language String Only present if type is script. This indicates the language in which scripts are written in the pack. The only supported value is javascript.


In order to submit any content to the marketplace, the version a value will need to be set to a value greater than 0. e.g "version": [1, 0, 0] or "version": "1.0.0"


Name Type Description
uuid String This is the unique identifier of the pack that this pack depends on. It needs to be the exact same UUID that the pack has defined in the header section of its manifest file.
module_name String For dependencies on built-in scripting modules, contains the name of the module. (for example, @minecraft/server)
version Vector [a, b, c] or SemVer String This is the specific version of the pack that your pack depends on. Should match the version the other pack has in its manifest file.


Name Description
chemistry The pack can add, remove, or modify chemistry behavior.
editorExtension Indicates that this pack contains extensions for the Minecraft Editor.
experimental_custom_ui The pack can use HTML files to create custom UI, as well as use or modify the custom UI.
raytraced The pack uses Ray Tracking functionality and may use custom shaders.


Name Type Description
authors Array Name of the author(s) of the pack.
license String The license of the pack.
generated_with JSON Object This is used to identify tools used to generate a manifest.json file. The tool names are strings that must be [a-zA-Z0-9_-] and 32 characters maximum. The tool version number are semver strings for each version that modified the manifest.json file.
product_type String This optional string is used to identify a targeted context for this pack. The only supported value is "addon", indicating this pack is intended to be added to players' worlds. Setting product_type to "addon" should not change how the pack functions in-game.
url String The home website of your pack.


Listed below are two examples showcasing how a manifest.json file can be written for a behavior pack and a resource pack.

Behavior Pack

    "format_version": 2,
    "header": {
        "description": "Example vanilla behavior pack",
        "name": "Vanilla Behavior Pack",
        "uuid": "ee649bcf-256c-4013-9068-6a802b89d756",
        "version": [1, 0, 0],
        "min_engine_version": [1, 20, 0]
    "modules": [
            "description": "Example behavior pack module",
            "type": "data",
            "uuid": "fa6e90c8-c925-460f-8155-c8a60b753caa",
            "version": [1, 0, 0]
            "description": "Example client scripts module",
            "type": "client_data",
            "uuid": "c05a992e-482a-455f-898c-58bbb4975e47",
            "version": [1, 0, 0]
    "dependencies": [
            "uuid": "66c6e9a8-3093-462a-9c36-dbb052165822",
            "version": [1, 0, 0]
            "module_name": "@minecraft/server",
            "version": "1.9.0"
    "metadata": {
        "authors": ["exampleAuthor"],
        "license": "MIT",
        "url": "http://www.contoso.com",
        "generated_with": {
            "example_tool": ["1.0.0", "1.1.0"]

Resource Pack

    "format_version": 2,
    "header": {
        "description": "Example vanilla resource pack",
        "name": "Vanilla Resource Pack",
        "uuid": "66c6e9a8-3093-462a-9c36-dbb052165822",
        "pack_scope": "world",
        "version": [1, 0, 0],
        "min_engine_version": [1, 20, 0]
    "modules": [
            "description": "Example vanilla resource pack",
            "type": "resources",
            "uuid": "743f6949-53be-44b6-b326-398005028819",
            "version": [1, 0, 0]