Entity Documentation - minecraft:behavior.beg

minecraft:behavior.beg compels an entity to react by tilting its head when a player is holding select items nearby.


Name Default Value Type Description
items not set List List of items that this mob likes
look_distance 8.0 Decimal Distance in blocks the mob will beg from.
look_time [2, 4] Range ["range_min", "range_max"] The range of time in seconds this mob will stare at the player holding a food they like, begging for it.
priority not set Integer The higher the priority, the sooner this behavior will be executed as a goal.


    "priority": 1,
    "items": ["bone","egg"],
    "look_distance": 4,
    "look_time": {

Vanilla entities examples


"minecraft:behavior.beg": {
        "priority": 9,
        "look_distance": 8,
        "look_time": [ 2, 4 ],
        "items": [ "bone", "porkchop", "cooked_porkchop", "chicken", "cooked_chicken", 
                   "beef", "cooked_beef", "rotten_flesh", "muttonraw", "muttoncooked", "rabbit", "cooked_rabbit" ]

Vanilla entities using minecraft:behavior.beg