Entity Documentation - minecraft:behavior.drop_item_for

minecraft:behavior.drop_item_for compels the entity to move toward a target and drop an item near the target. This goal requires a minecraft:navigation to execute.


Name Default Value Type Description
cooldown 0.2 Decimal Total time that the goal is on cooldown before it can be used again.
drop_item_chance 1.0 Decimal The percent chance the entity will drop an item when using this goal.
entity_types Minecraft Filter The list of conditions another entity must meet to be a valid target to drop an item for.
goal_radius 0.50 Decimal Distance in blocks within the entity considers it has reached its target position.
loot_table String The loot table that contains the possible loot the entity can drop with this goal.
max_head_look_at_height 10.0 Decimal The maximum height the entities head will look at when dropping the item. The entity will always be looking at its target.
minimum_teleport_distance 2.0 Decimal If the target position is farther away than this distance on any tick, the entity will teleport to the target position.
offering_distance 1.0 Decimal The preferred distance the entity tries to be from the target it is dropping an item for.
on_drop_attempt Trigger The event to trigger when the entity attempts to drop an item.
priority not set Integer The higher the priority, the sooner this behavior will be executed as a goal.
search_count 0 Integer The number of blocks each tick that the entity will check within its search range and height for a valid block to move to. A value of 0 will have the mob check every block within range in one tick.
search_height 1 Integer The Height in blocks the entity will search within to find a valid target position.
search_range 0 Integer The distance in blocks the entity will search within to find a valid target position.
seconds_before_pickup 0.0 Decimal The numbers of seconds that will pass before the dropped entity can be picked up from the ground.
speed_multiplier 1.00 Decimal Movement speed multiplier of the entity when using this Goal.
target_range [1, 1, 1] Vector [a, b, c] The range in blocks within which the entity searches to find a target to drop an item for.
teleport_offset [0, 1, 0] Vector [a, b, c] When the entity teleports, offset the teleport position by this many blocks in the X, Y, and Z coordinate.
time_of_day_range [0, 1] Range [a, b] The valid times of day that this goal can be used. For reference: noon is 0.0, sunset is 0.25, midnight is 0.5, and sunrise is 0.75, and back to noon for 1.0.


"minecraft:behavior.drop_item_for": {
    "priority": 1,
    "cooldown": 0.2,
    "drop_item_chance": 1.0,
    "offering_distance": 1.0,
    "minimum_teleport_distance": 2.0,
    "max_head_look_at_height": 10.0,
    "target_range": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ],
    "teleport_offset": [ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
    "time_of_day_range": [ 0, 1 ],
    "seconds_before_pickup": 0.0,
    "search_range": 5,
    "search_height": 2,
    "search_count": 0,
    "speed_multiplier": 1.0,
    "goal_radius": 1.0,
    "entity_types": [
            "filters": { "test": "is_family", "subject": "other", "value": "player" },
            "max_dist": 6
    "loot_table": "loot_tables/entities/cat_gift.json",
    "on_drop_attempt": {
        "event": "minecraft:cat_gifted_owner",
        "target": "self"

Vanilla entities examples


"minecraft:behavior.drop_item_for": {
    "priority": 1,
    "seconds_before_pickup": 0.0,
    "cooldown": 0.25,
    "drop_item_chance": 0.7,
    "offering_distance": 5.0,
    "minimum_teleport_distance": 2.0,
    "max_head_look_at_height": 10.0,
    "target_range": [ 5.0, 5.0, 5.0 ],
    "teleport_offset": [ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
    "time_of_day_range": [ 0.74999, 0.80 ],
    "speed_multiplier": 1.0,
    "search_range": 5,
    "search_height": 2,
    "search_count": 0,
    "goal_radius": 1.0,
    "entity_types": [
            "filters": { "test": "is_family", "subject": "other", "value": "player" },
            "max_dist": 6
    "loot_table": "loot_tables/entities/cat_gift.json",
    "on_drop_attempt": {
    "event": "minecraft:cat_gifted_owner",
    "target": "self"

Vanilla entities using drop_item_for