

Entity Documentation - minecraft:behavior.jump_to_block

minecraft:behavior.jump_to_block compels the mob to search around for a block to jump to and then jump to that block.


Name Default Value Type Description
cooldown_range [10, 20] Range [a, b] Minimum and maximum cooldown time-range (positive, in seconds) between each attempted jump.
forbidden_blocks Array Blocks that the mob can't jump to.
max_velocity 1.500000 Decimal The maximum velocity with which the mob can jump.
minimum_distance 2 Integer The minimum distance (in blocks) from the mob to a block, in order to consider jumping to it.
minimum_path_length 5 Integer The minimum length (in blocks) of the mobs path to a block, in order to consider jumping to it.
preferred_blocks Array Blocks that the mob prefers jumping to.
preferred_blocks_chance 1.000000 Decimal Chance (between 0.0 and 1.0) that the mob will jump to a preferred block, if in range. Only matters if preferred blocks are defined.
priority not set Integer The higher the priority, the sooner this behavior will be executed as a goal.
scale_factor 0.700000 Decimal The scale factor of the bounding box of the mob while it is jumping.
search_height 10 Integer The height (in blocks, in range [2, 15]) of the search box, centered around the mob.
search_width 8 Integer The width (in blocks, in range [2, 15]) of the search box, centered around the mob.


    "search_width": 9,
    "search_height": 5,
    "scale_factor": 2.0,
    "max_velocity": 10.0,
    "minimum_path_length": 4,
    "minimum_distance": 6,
    "cooldown_range": [5, 10]

Vanilla Mob examples


"minecraft:behavior.jump_to_block": {
    "priority": 8,
    "search_width": 10,
    "search_height": 10,
    "minimum_path_length": 8,
    "minimum_distance": 1,
    "scale_factor": 0.6,
    "cooldown_range": [

Vanilla Mobs using minecraft:behavior.jump_to_block