Entity Documentation - minecraft:behavior.work_composter

minecraft:behavior.work_composter compels the NPC to use the composter POI to convert seeds into bone meal.


Name Default Value Type Description
active_time 0 Integer The amount of ticks the NPC will stay in their the work location.
block_interaction_max 1 Integer The maximum number of times the mob will interact with the composter.
can_empty_composter true Boolean Determines whether the mob can empty a full composter.
can_fill_composter true Boolean Determines whether the mob can add items to a composter given that it is not full.
can_work_in_rain false Boolean If true, this entity can work when their jobsite POI is being rained on.
goal_cooldown 0 Integer The amount of ticks the goal will be on cooldown before it can be used again.
items_per_use_max 20 Integer The maximum number of items which can be added to the composter per block interaction.
min_item_count 10 Integer Limits the amount of each compostable item the mob can use. Any amount held over this number will be composted if possible.
on_arrival Trigger Event to run when the mob reaches their jobsite.
priority not set Integer The higher the priority, the sooner this behavior will be executed as a goal.
sound_delay_max N/A Integer Unused.
sound_delay_min N/A Integer Unused.
speed_multiplier 0.50 Decimal Movement speed multiplier of the mob when using this AI Goal
use_block_max 200 Integer The maximum interval in which the mob will interact with the composter.
use_block_min 100 Integer The minimum interval in which the mob will interact with the composter.
work_in_rain_tolerance -1 Integer If "can_work_in_rain" is false, this is the maximum number of ticks left in the goal where rain will not interrupt the goal.


    "priority": 7,
    "active_time": 0,
    "block_interaction_max": 1,
    "can_empty_composter": true,
    "can_fill_composter": true,
    "can_work_in_rain": false,
    "items_per_use_max": 20,
    "min_item_count": 10,
    "goal_cooldown": 0,
    "sound_delay_min": 0,
    "sound_delay_max": 0,
    "speed_multiplier": 0.5,
    "work_in_rain_tolerance": -1,
    "on_arrival": {
        "event": "minecraft:resupply_trades",
        "target": "self"

Vanilla entities examples


"minecraft:behavior.work_composter": {
    "priority": 9,
    "active_time": 250,
    "speed_multiplier": 0.5,
    "goal_cooldown": 200,
    "can_work_in_rain": false,
    "work_in_rain_tolerance": 100,
    "on_arrival": {
        "event": "minecraft:resupply_trades",
        "target": "self"

Vanilla entities using minecraft:behavior.work_composter