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Task.FixedCost プロパティ (Project)

タスクの固定コストを取得または設定します。 値の取得と設定が可能なバリアント型 (Variant) の値です。



Task オブジェクトを表す変数。


Sub IncreaseFixedCosts() 
 Dim T As Task ' Task object used in For Each loop 
 Dim Entry As String ' Amount to add to any existing fixed cost 
 Entry = InputBox$("Increase the fixed costs of marked tasks by what amount?") 
 ' If entry is invalid, display error message and exit Sub procedure. 
 If Not IsNumeric(Entry) Then 
 MsgBox ("You didn't enter a numeric value.") 
 Exit Sub 
 End If 
 ' Increase the fixed costs of marked tasks by the specified amount. 
 For Each T In ActiveProject.Tasks 
 If T.Marked Then 
 T.FixedCost = T.FixedCost + Val(Entry) 
 End If 
 Next T 
End Sub


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