次の方法で共有 MS-ASAcceptMultiPart

The MS-ASAcceptMultiPart header is used to control the delivery of the content requested by the Fetch element ([MS-ASCMD] section in an ItemOperations request ([MS-ASCMD] section This header is optional for ItemOperations requests, and SHOULD NOT be used for other command requests. This header SHOULD NOT be used if the base64-encoded query value is being used. Instead, the AcceptMultipart flag in the Options parameter SHOULD be used, as specified in section

If this header is present and the value is 'T', the client is requesting that the server return content in multipart format. If the header is not present, or is present and set to 'F', the client is requesting that the server return content in inline format. For more details, see [MS-ASCMD] section

This header is not supported by protocol version 2.5.