
2.267 Attribute sIDHistory

This attribute specifies previous SIDs used for the object if the object was moved from another domain. Whenever an object is moved from one domain to another, a new SID is created and that new SID becomes the objectSID. The previous SID is added to the sIDHistory property. For more information, refer to [MS-DRSR] section 4.1.2.

 cn: SID-History
 ldapDisplayName: sIDHistory
 attributeId: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.609
 omSyntax: 4
 isSingleValued: FALSE
 schemaIdGuid: 17eb4278-d167-11d0-b002-0000f80367c1
 systemOnly: FALSE
 searchFlags: fATTINDEX
 attributeSecurityGuid: 59ba2f42-79a2-11d0-9020-00c04fc2d3cf
 isMemberOfPartialAttributeSet: TRUE

Version-Specific Behavior: First implemented on Windows 2000 Server operating system.

In Windows 2000 Server, the following attributes are defined differently.

 systemOnly: TRUE

The schemaFlagsEx attribute was added to this attribute definition in Windows Server 2008 operating system.