procedure GetChangesInScope( scope: set of DSName, pUtd: ADDRESS OF UPTODATE_VECTOR_V1_EXT, ulExtendedOp: DWORD, partialAttrs: set of ATTRTYP, partialAttrsEx: set of ATTRTYP, dirSyncFlags: ULONG, var changedObjs: set of ObjAtts, var changedLinks: set of ObjAttVal)
Informative summary of behavior: The GetChangesInScope procedure inspects the objects in scope and returns the object and link value updates that are sent to the client over the course of the replication cycle or as a result of processing LDAP Search request with LDAP_SERVER_DIRSYNC_OID control, as determined by the up-to-date vector (pUtd), the extended operation (ulExtendedOp), flags (dirSyncFlags) associated with the LDAP_SERVER_DIRSYNC_OID control, and the partial replica attribute filters (partialAttrs and partialAttrsEx).
o: DSName a: ATTRTYP attrsFound: set of ATTRTYP attrsReq: set of ATTRTYP stamp: AttributeStamp cursor: UPTODATE_CURSOR_V2 /* Get the set of objects in scope with attribute stamps that the * client did not have knowledge of at the beginning of this * cycle. */ changedObjs := {} foreach o in scope attrsFound := {} attrsReq := {} foreach a of o's object class stamp := AttrStamp(o, a) if stamp ≠ null and ((ulExtendedOp = EXOP_REPL_SECRETS and IsSecretAttribute(a)) or not FilterAttribute(o, a, stamp, pUtd, partialAttrs, partialAttrsEx, dirSyncFlags)) then attrsFound := attrsFound + {a} endif if(a = instanceType or a = proxiedObjectName) then attrsReq := attrsReq + {a} endif endfor if attrsFound ≠ {} then changedObjs := changedObjs + [obj: o, atts: attrsFound + attrsReq] else if (IT_NC_HEAD in o!instanceType and pUtd ≠ null) stamp := AttrStamp(o, uSNChanged) cursor := select one c from pUtd^.rgCursors where c.uuidDsa = stamp.uuidOriginating if cursor = null or cursor.usnHighPropUpdate < stamp.usnOriginating then changedObjs := changedObjs + [obj: o, atts: attrsFound + attrsReq] endif endif endfor /* Get the set of link values in scope with stamps that the client * did not have knowledge of at the beginning of this cycle. */ if (GetForestFunctionalLevel() ≥ 1 or dc.fLinkValueStampEnabled = true) then changedLinks := {} foreach o in scope foreach a in Link Attributes of o's object class foreach v in GetAttVals(o, a, true) stamp := LinkStamp(o, a, v) /* If v was last updated in win2k forest mode * then it does not have LinkValueStamp associated with it. * LinkStamp() returns null in that case and this value will * not be added to changedLinks. */ if stamp ≠ null and not FilterAttribute(o, a, stamp, pUtd, partialAttrs, partialAttrsEx, dirSyncFlags) then changedLinks := changedLinks + [obj: o, att: a, val: v] endif endfor endfor
endfor endif