
JScript File


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The latest version of this topic can be found at JScript File.

The Custom Wizard accesses the script engine and creates a JScript file called Default.js for each project. It also includes Common.js. These files contain JScript functions that give you access to the Visual Studio and Visual C++ object models to customize a wizard. (See Designing a Wizard for a list of these models.) You can add your own functions to the wizard project's Default.js file. To access properties and methods in the wizard object model or the environment model from a JScript file, prepend the object model item with "wizard." and "dte.", respectively.

For example:

function CreateCustomProject(strProjectName, strProjectPath)  
      var strProjTemplatePath = wizard.FindSymbol('PROJECT_TEMPLATE_PATH');  
var strProjTemplate = '';  
      strProjTemplate = strProjTemplatePath + '\\default.vcproj';  
      var Solution = dte.Solution;  
      var strSolutionName = "";  
      if (wizard.FindSymbol("CLOSE_SOLUTION"))  

When you click Finish in the Custom Wizard, the wizard loads the file Default.js in the Script Files folder in Solution Explorer. This JScript file creates projects and renders templates and then adds them to the solution when a user clicks Finish in your wizard.

By default, the project's Default.js file includes the following functions:

Function name Description
AddConfig Adds the project's configurations. You can supply compiler and linker settings.
AddFilesToCustomProj When the user clicks Finish, adds the specified files to the project.
AddFilters When the user clicks Finish, adds the specified source filters to the project.
CreateCustomProject When the user clicks Finish, creates the project at the specified location.
CreateCustomInfFile Creates the project's Templates.inf file.
DelFile Deletes the specified file.
GetTargetName Get the name of the specified file.
OnFinish Called by the wizard when the user clicks Finish to create the project, add files and filters, render templates, and set the configuration.
PchSettings Sets the precompiled header settings. See SetCommonPchSettings in the Common.js reference for more information.

Each wizard has a unique Default.js file, which includes TODO comments to help you identify where you must customize the file.

Visual C++ also includes Common.js, a file shared among all wizards and included in your wizard project. You can use the functions in Common.js.


Common.js contains descriptions of each function and its parameters. See the comments in Common.js for more information.

If you have functions that you want to share between your wizard projects, you can add them to Common.js. Create your own version of Common.js and save it in a common path, and then set the SCRIPT_COMMON_PATH to this path in your .vsz file.


The wizards included with Visual C++ use the JScript functions in Common.js. If you change these functions, the Visual C++ wizards can behave unexpectedly.

For more information about JScript, see Writing, Compiling, and Debugging JScript Code.

Debugging Script

To debug script in wizard html files, you must enable script debugging.

To enable script debugging

  1. In Internet Explorer, click the Tools menu and choose Internet Options.

  2. Click the Advanced tab.

  3. Under the Browsing category, clear the Disable Script Debugging checkbox.

This will also allow common.js and default.js to show up in the Running Documents window when you click the Finish button on the wizard.

See Also

Files Created for Your Wizard
Custom Wizard
Creating a Custom Wizard
Designing a Wizard