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The latest version of this topic can be found at CDynamicStringAccessor::GetString.

Retrieves the specified column data as a string.


      BaseType* GetString(  
   DBORDINAL nColumn  
) const throw( );  
BaseType* GetString(  
   const CHAR* pColumnName  
) const throw( );  
BaseType* GetString(  
   const WCHAR* pColumnName  
) const throw( );  


[in] The column number. Column numbers start with 1. A value of 0 refers to the bookmark column, if any.

[in] A pointer to a character string that contains the column name.

Return Value

A pointer to the string value retrieved from the specified column. The value is of type BaseType, which will be CHAR or WCHAR depending on whether _UNICODE is defined or not. Returns NULL if the specified column is not found.


The second override form takes the column name as an ANSI string. The third override form takes the column name as a Unicode string.


Header: atldbcli.h

See Also

CDynamicStringAccessor Class