
Module twin configuration schema

edge icon
Alternatively, check out topics under Create video applications in the service.


Azure Video Analyzer has been retired and is no longer available.

Azure Video Analyzer for Media is not affected by this retirement. It is now rebranded to Azure Video Indexer. Click here to read more.

Device twins are JSON documents that store device state information including metadata, configurations, and conditions. Azure IoT Hub maintains a device twin for each device that you connect to IoT Hub. For detailed explanation, see Understand and use module twins in IoT Hub.

This topic describes module twin JSON schema of Azure Video Analyzer edge module.

Module twin properties

The Video Analyzer edge module exposes the following module twin properties.

Property Required Dynamic Description
ProvisioningToken Yes No Authentication token to validate the edge module and provision cloud services (including access to Video Analyzer account)
ApplicationDataDirectory Yes No Path within the module's file system that maps to a mounted volume for persisting configuration.
DiagnosticsEventsOutputName No Yes Hub output for diagnostics events. (Empty means diagnostics are not published)
OperationalEventsOutputName No Yes Hub output for operational events. (Empty means operational events are not published)
LogLevel No Yes One of the following: · Verbose · Information (Default) · Warning · Error · None
LogCategories No Yes A comma-separated list of the following: Application, MediaPipeline, Events Default: Application, Events
AllowUnsecuredEndpoints No Yes Boolean setting to allow creation of topologies with unsecured endpoints such as #Microsoft.VideoAnalyzer.UnsecuredEndpoint, default -true
TelemetryOptOut No No Boolean setting for opting out of telemetry submission, default -false
DebugLogsDirectory No Yes Directory for debug logs. If present logs are generated, if not present debug logs are disabled.

Dynamic properties can be updated without the restarting the module.

See the article on Monitoring and logging for more information about the role of the optional diagnostics settings.

    "properties.desired": {
        "ProvisioningToken": "$AVA_PROVISIONING_TOKEN",
        "ApplicationDataDirectory": "/var/lib/videoanalyzer",
        "DiagnosticsEventsOutputName": "diagnostics",
        "OperationalEventsOutputName": "operational",
        "LogLevel": "information",
        "LogCategories": "Application,Events",
        "DebugLogsDirectory": "/tmp/logs",
        "AllowUnsecuredEndpoints": true,
        "TelemetryOptOut": false    

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