
Database のメンバー

Represents a database in the Azure SQL Database service.

Database データ型で公開されるメンバーを以下の表に示します。

パブリック コンストラクター

  名前 説明
  Database Initializes a new instance of the Database class.


パブリック プロパティ

  名前 説明
AssignedServiceObjectiveId Optional. Gets the ID of the assigned service objective for this database. This is the ID of the service objective being applied.
CollationName Optional. Gets the name of the collation for this database.
CreationDate Optional. Gets the date this database was created.
Edition Optional. Gets the edition of the Azure SQL Database. The DatabaseEditions enumeration contains all the valid editions.
Id Optional. Gets the ID of the database. This ID is unique within the server that contains the database.
IsFederationRoot Optional. Gets whether or not the database is a federation root.
IsSystemObject Optional. Gets whether or not the database is a system object.
MaximumDatabaseSizeInBytes Optional. Gets the maximum size of this database expressed in bytes.
MaximumDatabaseSizeInGB Optional. Gets the maximum size of this database expressed in gigabytes.
Name  Optional. Gets the name of the service resource. (SqlModelCommon から継承)
RecoveryPeriodStartDate Optional. Gets the starting date of the restorable period for this database.
ServiceObjectiveAssignmentErrorCode Optional. Gets the error code raised when assigning a new service objective if there was one.
ServiceObjectiveAssignmentErrorDescription Optional. Gets the description of the error if an error occured while applying a new service objective.
ServiceObjectiveAssignmentState Optional. Gets the state of the current service objective assignment in numerical format.
ServiceObjectiveAssignmentStateDescription Optional. Gets the description of the state of the current service objective assignment.
ServiceObjectiveAssignmentSuccessDate Optional. Gets the date the service objective assignment succeeded.
ServiceObjectiveId Optional. Gets the ID of the current service objective.
SizeMB Optional. Gets the current usage of the database in megabytes.
State  Optional. Gets the state of the service resource. (SqlModelCommon から継承)
Type  Optional. Gets the type of the service resource. (SqlModelCommon から継承)


パブリック メソッド

(プロテクト メソッド も参照)

  名前 説明
Equals  (Object から継承)
GetHashCode  (Object から継承)
GetType  (Object から継承)
ToString  (Object から継承)


プロテクト メソッド

  名前 説明
Finalize  (Object から継承)
MemberwiseClone  (Object から継承)




Database クラス
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Sql.Models 名前空間