
Type Library Foundation Class

This class uses the TlbInf32 COM component to read type information from type libraries. The main routine ExportTypeLib creates a text file with Type library output.


File Utilities

Default Catalog

Visual FoxPro Catalog\Foundation Classes\Utilities



Base Class


Class Library


Parent Class





To use, drop the class on a project or form or, from the Component Gallery Item shortcut menu, select Add to Project or Add to Form. When you add the class to a project, you can choose between adding the class or creating a subclass. When you add the class to a form, Visual FoxPro places the class icon on the form. You can then specify the appropriate property values on the form in the Form Designer.

See Guidelines for Using Visual FoxPro Foundation Classesfor more information on using foundation classes.

Properties, Events, Methods


aTypeAttr[1,0] property

Specifies the array for the TypeAttr structure.

Default: .F.

aTypeFuncDesc[1,0] property

Specifies an array for the FuncDesc structure.

Default: .F.

aTypeFuncDocs[3,0] property

Specifies an array for function documentation.

Default: .F.

aTypeFuncNames[1,0] property

Specifies an array of function names.

Default: .F.

aTypeFuncParms[1,0] property

Specifies an array of the function parameters.

Default: .F.

aTypeInfoDocs[3,0] property

Specifies an array for TypeInfo documentation.

Default: .F.

aTypeLibDocs[3,0] property

Specifies an array for TypeLib documentation.

Default: .F.

FuncNamesCount property

Specifies the number of names for TypeInfo function. This is equivalent to total parameters+1.

Default: .F.

TypeInfoCount property

Specifies the number of TypeInfos in TypeLib.

Default: .F.

TypeInfoIndex property

An index reference to TypeInfo.

Default: .F.

TypeLibHandle property

The handle to TypeLib.

Default: .F.

TypeLibName property

Specifies the name of the type library.

Default: .F.

ExportTypeLib method

Exports contents of a TypeLib to a text file.

Syntax: ExportTypeLib(cExportFile, lViewFile)

Return: m.exportfile

Arguments: cExportFile specifies the file to export.lViewFile specifies whether to open the file in a viewer after export.

GetDataType method

Returns data type of function.

Syntax: GetDataType(m.nvt)

Return: name of data type

Arguments: m.nvt specifies a data item reference.

GetFuncDesc method

Obtains TypeInfo function info and populates arrays.

Syntax: GetFuncDesc(nFuncIndex)

Return: TypeInfo arrays, aTypeFuncParms, aTypeFuncNames, aTypeFuncDocs

Arguments: nFuncIndex specifies the index of the function.

GetTypeInfo method

Obtains TypeInfo and populates TypeInfo arrays.

Syntax: GetTypeInfo(nTypeInfoNum)

Return: none

Arguments: nTypeInfoNum specifies a reference to the Typeinfo key.

GetTypeLib method

Obtains TypeLib info and populates arrays.

Syntax: GetTypeLib( )

Return: none

Arguments: none

See Also


Guidelines for Using Visual FoxPro Foundation Classes


Visual FoxPro Foundation Classes A-Z

Other Resources

Foundation Class Samples