
CSession Class


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The latest version of this topic can be found at CSession Class.

Represents a single database access session.


class CSession  



Abort Cancels (terminates) the transaction.
Close Closes the session.
Commit Commits the transaction.
GetTransactionInfo Returns information regarding a transaction.
Open Opens a new session for the data source object.
StartTransaction Begins a new transaction for this session.


One or more sessions can be associated with each provider connection (data source), which is represented by a CDataSource object. To create a new CSession for a CDataSource, call CSession::Open. To begin a database transaction, CSession provides the StartTransaction method. Once a transaction is started, you can commit to it using the Commit method, or cancel it using the Abort method.


Header: atldbcli.h

See Also

OLE DB Consumer Templates
OLE DB Consumer Templates Reference