
Windows 2000 システム展開ガイド

付録 C ‐ 自動セットアップ用応答ファイルのサンプル

通常、Microsoft® Windows® 2000 のインストールでは、セットアップ ウィザードの指示に従って必要な情報を入力していきますが、この入力情報を ASCII テキスト ファイル (応答ファイル) に定義しておくと、インストールを自動化することができます。この自動インストールを行うには、コマンド ラインに応答ファイルを指定して Winnt.exe または Winnt32.exe を実行します (このコマンド ラインの詳細については、このマニュアルの付録 B「セットアップ コマンド」を参照してください)。

ここでは、一般的な構成を想定した応答ファイルのサンプルをいくつか示します。Windows 2000 で提供されている既定の応答ファイル (Unattend.txt) をカスタマイズして使うのも、以下に示すサンプル ファイルを参考にして新しい応答ファイルを作成するのも自由です。


サンプル ファイル

Resource Kit の関連情報

  • セットアップ コマンドの詳細については、このマニュアルの付録 B「セットアップ コマンド」を参照してください。


応答ファイルは、セクション ヘッダー、キー、および各キーの値で構成されます。ほとんどのセクション ヘッダーは事前に定義されていますが、一部ユーザーが定義できるものもあります。インストールに不必要なキーについては、応答ファイルに指定する必要はありません。無効なキー値を指定すると、エラーが発生したり、セットアップ後に不具合が生じることがあります。応答ファイルの書式は次のとおりです。



key = value


key = "value with spaces"




; This is an example of a comment line.




メモ : キーでは大文字と小文字は区別されません。どちらで入力しても同様に扱われます。

応答ファイルのキーと値の詳細については、Microsoft Windows 2000 オペレーティング システム CD-ROM に収録されている「Microsoft Windows 2000 Guide to Unattended Setup」 (Unattend.doc) を参照してください。Unattend.doc ファイルは、\Support\Tools フォルダの Deploy.cab ファイルの抜粋です。Windows 98 または Windows 2000 にて、Windows エクスプローラを使ってこの文書を抽出します。Windows 95 以前の Windows、および MS-DOSでは、Extract コマンドを使用してファイルを抽出します。

サンプル ファイル

以下に示すサンプル ファイルは、一般的なインストール設定でよく使用されるキーとその値を定義したものです。これらのサンプル ファイルは、社内のニーズに合わせてカスタマイズすることができます。

メモ : 以下の応答ファイルでは、ユーザーが入力するデータを斜体で示しています。


サンプル 1 - 既定の Unattend.txt

次の応答ファイルは、Windows 2000 CD-ROM に収録されている既定の Unattend.txt ファイルです。

; Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional, Server, Advanced Server

©1994-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
; Sample Answer File for Unattended Setup
; This file contains information about how to automate the installation
; or upgrade of Windows 2000 Professional and Windows 2000 Server so
; that the Setup program runs without requiring user input.
UnattendMode = FullUnattended
OemPreinstall = No
TargetPath = Winnt
Filesystem = LeaveAlone
FullName = "Your user name"
OrgName = "Your organization name"
; It is recommended that you avoid using spaces in the ComputerName
; value.
ComputerName = "YourComputer_name"
; To ensure a fully unattended installation, you must provide a value
; for the ProductId key.
ProductId = "Your product ID"
; Sets the TimeZone. For example, to set the TimeZone for the
; Pacific Northwest, use a value of "004." Be sure to use the
; numeric value that represents your own time zone. To look up
; a numeric value, see the Unattend.doc file on the Windows 2000 CD.
TimeZone = "YourTimeZone"
; It is recommended that you change the administrator password
; before the computer is placed at its final destination.
AdminPassword = AdminPassword
; Tells Unattended Setup to turn AutoLogon on and log on once.
AutoLogon = Yes
AutoLogonCount = 1
; This section is used for server installs.
AutoMode = "PerServer"
AutoUsers = "5"
; List the programs that you want to start when you log on to the
; computer for the first time.
BitsPerPel = 8
XResolution = 800
YResolution = 600
VRefresh = 70
; When you set the value of the InstallDefaultComponents key
; to Yes, Setup will install default networking components.
; The components to be set are TCP/IP, File and Print Sharing,
; and Client for Microsoft Networks.
InstallDefaultComponents = Yes
; Identifies your workgroup. It is recommended that you avoid
; using spaces in this value.
JoinWorkgroup = "YourWorkgroup"

サンプル 2 - CD-ROM からの Windows 2000 Professional の自動インストール

次の応答ファイルは、Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Professional を CD-ROM からインストールするときに使用します。この応答ファイルは、Winnt.sif という名前でフロッピー ディスクにコピーしないと正しく動作しません。

; Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional

;©1994–1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
; Sample Answer File for Unattended Setup
; This file contains information about how to automate the installation
; or upgrade of Windows 2000 Professional so that the Setup program runs
; without requiring user input.
; This section is required when you perform an unattended installation
; by starting Setup directly from the Windows 2000 installation CD-ROM.
Unattendedinstall = Yes
; If you are running Unattended Setup from the CD-ROM, you must set the
; Msdosinitiated key to 0.
Msdosinitiated = "0"
; AutoPartition allows Windows 2000 Unattended Setup to choose a
; partition to install to.
AutoPartition = 1
UnattendMode = FullUnattended
; The OemPreinstall key tells Unattended Setup that the installation is
; being performed from distribution shares if the value is set to Yes.
OemPreinstall = Yes
TargetPath = Winpro
FileSystem = LeaveAlone
; If the OemSkipEula key is set to Yes, it informs Unattended Setup that
; the user should not be prompted to accept the End User License
; Agreement (EULA). A value of Yes signifies agreement to the EULA and
; should be used in conjunction with the terms of your license
; agreement.
OemSkipEula = Yes
; Sets the TimeZone. For example, to set the TimeZone for the
; Pacific Northwest, use a value of "004." Be sure to use the
; numeric value that represents your own time zone. To look up
; a numeric value, see the Unattend.doc file on the Windows 2000 CD.
TimeZone = "YourTimeZone"
; It is recommended that you change the administrator password
; before the computer is placed at its final destination.
AdminPassword = AdminPassword
; Tells Unattended Setup to turn AutoLogon on and log on once.
AutoLogon = Yes
AutoLogonCount = 1
; The OemSkipWelcome key specifies whether the welcome page in the
; wizard phase of Setup should be skipped. A value of 1 causes the page
; to be skipped.
OemSkipWelcome = 1
; The OemSkipRegional key allows Unattended Setup to skip
; RegionalSettings when the final location of the computer is unknown.
OemSkipRegional = 1
FullName = "Your user name"
OrgName = "Your organization name"
; It is recommended that you avoid using spaces in the
; ComputerName value.
ComputerName = "YourComputer_name"
; To ensure a fully unattended installation, you must provide a value
; for the ProductId key.
ProductId = "Your product ID"
BitsPerPel = 8
XResolution = 800
YResolution = 600
VRefresh = 60
; When you set the value of the InstallDefaultComponents key
; to Yes, Setup will install default networking components.
; The components to be set are TCP/IP, File and Print Sharing,
; and Client for Microsoft Networks.
InstallDefaultComponents = Yes

サンプル 3 - Windows 2000 のインストールと設定、および Microsoft Internet Explorer でのプロキシサーバーの設定

次の応答ファイルは、Microsoft® Internet Explorer のインストールと設定、およびプロキシ サーバーの設定に使用します。

; Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional, Server, Advanced Server

©1994-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
; Sample Answer File for Unattended Setup
; This file contains information about how to automate the installation
; or upgrade of Windows 2000 Professional and Windows 2000 Server so
; that the Setup program runs without requiring user input.
UnattendMode = FullUnattended
TargetPath = Windows
FileSystem = LeaveAlone
OemPreinstall = Yes
OemSkipEula = Yes
; Sets the TimeZone. For example, to set the TimeZone for the
; Pacific Northwest, use a value of "004." Be sure to use the
; numeric value that represents your own time zone. To look up
; a numeric value, see the Unattend.doc file on the Windows 2000 CD.
TimeZone = "YourTimeZone"
; It is recommended that you change the administrator password
; before the computer is placed at its final destination.
AdminPassword = AdminPassword
; Tells Unattended Setup to turn AutoLogon on and log on once.
AutoLogon = Yes
AutoLogonCount = 1
OemSkipWelcome = 1
; The OemSkipRegional key allows Unattended Setup to skip
; RegionalSettings when the final location of the computer is unknown.
OemSkipRegional = 1
FullName = "Your user name"
OrgName = "Your organization name"
; It is recommended that you avoid using spaces in the
; ComputerName value.
ComputerName = "YourComputername"
; To ensure a fully unattended installation, you must provide a value
; for the ProductId key.
ProductId = "Your product ID"
; This section is used for server installs.
AutoMode = "PerServer"
AutoUsers = "50"
BitsPerPel = 8
XResolution = 800
YResolution = 600
VRefresh = 60
; This section contains keys for installing the components of
; Windows 2000. A value of On installs the components, and a
; value of Off prevents the component from being installed.
iis_common = On
iis_inetmgr = Off
iis_www = Off
iis_ftp = Off
iis_htmla = Off
iis_doc = Off
iis_pwmgr = Off
iis_smtp = On
iis_smtp_docs = Off
Mts_core = On
; The Fp key installs Front Page Server Extensions.
Fp = On
Msmq = Off
; If you set the TSEnable key to On, Terminal Services is installed on
; Windows 2000 Server.
TSEnable = On
; If you set the TSClients key to On, the files required to create
; Terminal Services client disks are installed. If you set this key
; to On, you must also set the TSEnable key to On.
TSClients = On
; TSPrinterDrivers and TSKeyboardDrivers are optional keys. If enabled,
; they require additional disk space.
TSPrinterDrivers = Off
TSKeyboardDrivers = Off
Netoc = On
Reminst = On
Certsrv = Off
Rstorage = Off
Indexsrv_system = On
Certsrv_client = Off
Certsrv_server = Off
Certsrv_doc = Off
Accessopt = On
Calc = On
Cdplayer = On
Charmap = On
Chat = Off
Clipbook = On
Deskpaper = On
Dialer = On
Freecell = Off
Hypertrm = On
Media_blindnoisy = On
Media_blindquiet = On
Media_clips = On
Media_jungle = On
Media_musica = On
Media_robotz = On
Media_utopia = On
Minesweeper = Off
Mousepoint = Off
Mplay = On
Mswordpad = On
Objectpkg = On
Paint = On
Pinball = Off
Rec = On
Solitaire = Off
Templates = On
Vol = On
CountryCode = "1"
Dialing = Pulse
; Indicates the area code for your telephone. This value should
; be a 3-digit number.
AreaCode = "Your telephone area code"
LongDistanceAccess = 9
; When you set the value of the InstallDefaultComponents key
; to Yes, Setup will install default networking components.
; The components to be set are TCP/IP, File and Print Sharing,
; and Client for Microsoft Networks.
InstallDefaultComponents = Yes
JoinDomain = YourCorpNet
DomainAdmin = YourCorpAdmin
DomainAdminPassword = YourAdminPassword
; This section contains a list of the optional network
; components to install.
Wins = Off
Dns = Off
Dhcpserver = Off
ils = Off
Snmp = Off
Lpdsvc = Off
Simptcp = Off
Netmontools = On
Dsmigrat = Off
; This section brands Microsoft Internet Explorer with custom
; properties from the Unattended answer file.
BrandIEUsingUnattended = Yes
; This section contains custom URL settings for Microsoft
; Internet Explorer. If these settings are not present, the
; default settings are used. Specifies the URL for the
; browser's default home page. For example, you might use the
; following: Home_Page = www.microsoft.com.
Home_Page = YourHomePageURL
; Specifies the URL for the default search page. For example,

you might
; use the following: Search Page = www.msn.com
Search_Page = YourSearchPageURL
; Specifies a shortcut name in the link folder of Favorites.
; For example, you might use the following: Quick_Link_1_Name =
; "Microsoft Product Support Services"
Quick_Link_1_Name = "Your Quick Link Name"
; Specifies a shortcut URL in the link folder of Favorites. For example,
; you might use this: Quick_Link_1 = https://support.microsoft.com/.
Quick_Link_1 = YourQuickLinkURL
; This section contains custom proxy settings for Microsoft
; Internet Explorer. If these settings are not present, the default
; settings are used. If proxysrv:80 is not accurate for your
; configuration, be sure to replace the proxy server and port number
; with your own parameters.
HTTP_Proxy_Server = proxysrv:80
Use_Same_Proxy = 1
Proxy_Enable = 1
Proxy_Override = <local>

サンプル 4 - Windows 2000 Server と 2 つのネットワークアダプタのインストールと設定

次の応答ファイルは、Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Server と 2 つのネットワーク アダプタをインストールするためのものです。1 つのアダプタは DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) を使用し、もう 1 つは固定アドレスを使用します。

; Microsoft Windows 2000 Server, Advanced Server

; ©1994-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
; Sample Answer File for Unattended Setup
; This file contains information about how to automate the installation
; or upgrade of Windows 2000 Server or Windows 2000 Advanced Server so
; that the Setup program runs without requiring user input.
UnattendMode = FullUnattended
TargetPath = Winnt
Filesystem = ConvertNTFS
; Sets the TimeZone. For example, to set the TimeZone for the
; Pacific Northwest, use a value of "004." Be sure to use the
; numeric value that represents your own time zone. To look up
; a numeric value, see the Unattend.doc file on the Windows 2000 CD.
TimeZone = "YourTimeZone"
; It is recommended that you change the administrator password
; before the computer is placed at its final destination.
AdminPassword = AdminPassword
; Tells Unattended Setup to turn AutoLogon on and log on once.
AutoLogon = Yes
AutoLogonCount = 1
; This section is used for server installs.
AutoMode = "PerServer"
AutoUsers = "50"
FullName = "Your user name"
OrgName = "Your organization name"
; It is recommended that you avoid the use of spaces in the
; ComputerName value.
ComputerName = "YourComputer_name"
; To ensure a fully unattended installation, you must provide a value
; for the ProductId key.
ProductId = "Your product ID"
BitsPerPel = 8
XResolution = 800
YResolution = 600
VRefresh = 70
; When you set the value of the InstallDefaultComponents key
; to Yes, Setup will install default networking components.
; The components to be set are TCP/IP, File and Print Sharing,
; and Client for Microsoft Networks.
InstallDefaultComponents = Yes
JoinDomain = YourCorpNet
DomainAdmin = YourCorpAdmin
DomainAdminPassword = YourAdminPassword
; In this example, there are two network adapters, Adapter01
; and Adapter02. Note that the adapter specified here as 01 is not
; always local area network (LAN) connection 1 in the user interface.
Adapter01 = Params.Adapter01
Adapter02 = Params.Adapter02
; Specifies which adapter is number one. Note that the InfID key
; must match a valid PNP ID in the system. For example, a valid
; PNP ID might look like the following: InfID = "pci\ven_0e11&dev_ae32"
InfID = "Your_PNP_ID_for_Adapter01"
; Specifies which adapter is number two. Note that the InfID key must
; match a valid PNP ID in the system. For example, a valid PNP ID
; might look as follows: InfID = "pci\ven_8086&dev_1229&subsys_00018086"
InfID = " Your_PNP_ID_for_Adapter02"
; Installs the Client for Microsoft Networks.
MS_MSClient = params.MS_MSClient
; Installs only the TCP/IP protocol.
; This section configures the TCP/IP properties.
AdapterSections = Params.MS_TCPIP.Adapter01,params.MS_TCPIP.Adapter02
; Adapter01 uses DHCP server information.
SpecificTo = Adapter01
DHCP = Yes
Wins = Yes
; Adapter02 uses static TCP/IP configuration.
SpecificTo = Adapter02
IPAddress =
SubnetMask =
DefaultGateway =
Wins = No
; Install File and Print services.
MS_Server = Params.MS_Server

サンプル 5 - Windows 2000 Advanced Server とネットワーク負荷分散サービスのインストール

次の応答ファイルは、Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Advanced Server とネットワーク負荷分散サービスをインストールするためのものです。

; Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server

;©1994-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
; Sample Answer File for Unattended Setup
; This file contains information about how to automate the installation
; or upgrade of Windows 2000 Advanced Server so that the
; Setup program runs without requiring user input.
UnattendMode = FullUnattended
TargetPath = Windows
FileSystem = ConvertNTFS
; Sets the TimeZone. For example, to set the TimeZone for the
; Pacific Northwest, use a value of "004." Be sure to use the
; numeric value that represents your own time zone. To look up
; a numeric value, see the Unattend.doc file on the Windows 2000 CD.
TimeZone = "YourTimeZone"
; It is recommended that you change the administrator password
; before the computer is placed at its final destination.
AdminPassword = AdminPassword
; Tells Unattended Setup to turn AutoLogon on and log on once.
AutoLogon = Yes
AutoLogonCount = 1
AdvServerType = Servernt
; This section is used for server installs.
AutoMode = "PerServer"
AutoUsers = "50"
FullName = "Your user name"
OrgName = "Your organization name"
; It is recommended that you avoid the use of spaces in the
ComputerName = "YourComputer_name"
; To ensure a fully unattended installation, you must provide a value
; for the ProductId key.
ProductId = "Your product ID"
BitsPerPel = 8
XResolution = 800
YResolution = 600
VRefresh = 70
; When you set the value of the InstallDefaultComponents key
; to Yes, Setup will install default networking components.
; The components to be set are TCP/IP, File and Print Sharing,
; and Client for Microsoft Networks.
JoinDomain = YourCorpNet
DomainAdmin = YourCorpAdmin
DomainAdminPassword = YourAdminPassword
; In this example, there are two network adapters, Adapter01
; and Adapter02. Note that the adapter specified here as 01 is not
; always local area network (LAN) connection 1 in the user interface.
; The network adapters in this example are not identical.
Adapter01 = Params.Adapter01
Adapter02 = Params.Adapter02
Enable = MS_WLBS, Adapter01
Enable = MS_TCPIP, Adapter02
; Specifies which adapter is number one.
PseudoAdapter = No
PreUpgradeInstance = E100B1
; Note that the InfID key must match a valid PNP ID in the
; system. For example, a valid PNP ID might look like the
; following: InfID = PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229.
InfID = Your_PNP_ID_for_Adapter01
BusType = PCI
; The ConnectionName key specifies the name for the network connection
; associated with the network adapter that you are installing.
ConnectionName = "Connection1"
; Specifies which adapter is number two.
PseudoAdapter = No
PreUpgradeInstance = El90x2
; Note that the InfID key must match a valid PNP ID in the
; system. For example, a valid PNP ID might look like the
; following: InfID = PCI\VEN_10b7&DEV_9050
InfID = Your_PNP_ID_for_Adapter02
BusType = PCI
; The ConnectionName key specifies the name for the network connection
; associated with the network adapter that you are installing.
ConnectionName = "Connection2"
MS_NetMon = Params.MS_NetMon
AdapterSections = params.MS_TCPIP.Adapter01,params.MS_TCPIP.Adapter02
SpecificTo = Adapter01
DNSServerSearchOrder =
Wins = Yes
WinsServerList =
NetBIOSOptions = 0
IPAddress =,
SubnetMask =,
DefaultGateway =
SpecificTo = Adapter02
DNSServerSearchOrder =
Wins = Yes
WinsServerList =
NetBIOSOptions = 0
IPAddress =
SubnetMask =
DefaultGateway =
; This section contains keys specific to setting the properties of
; Network Load Balancing.
HostPriority = 1
ClusterModeOnStart = 0
ClusterIPAddress =
ClusterNetworkMask =
DedicatedIPAddress =
DedicatedNetworkMask =
ClusterName = cluster.domain.com
MulticastSupportEnable = 0
MaskSourceMAC = 1
RemoteControlCode = 0x00000000
RemoteControlUDPPort = 2504
RemoteControlEnabled = 1
Ports = 80,80,Both, Multiple,None,Equal, 443,443,Both, Multiple,Single,Equal
AliveMsgPeriod = 2000
AliveMsgTolerance = 10
NumActions = 50
NumPackets = 100
NumAliveMsgs = 10
DescriptorsPerAlloc = 512
MaxDescriptorAllocs = 512
ConnectionCleanupDelay = 300000
NBTSupportEnable = 1
MS_MSClient = Params.MS_Client
MS_Server = Params.MS_Server
Optimizations = Balance
Netmontools = 1

サンプル 6 - Windows 2000 Advanced Server とクラスタサービスのインストール

次の応答ファイルは、Windows 2000 Advanced Server とクラスタ サービス をインストールするためのものです。

; Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server.

©1994-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
; Sample Answer File for Unattended Setup
; This file contains information about how to automate the installation
; or upgrade of Windows 2000 Advanced Server so that the Setup program
; runs without requiring user input.
UnattendMode = FullUnattended
TargetPath = Advsrv
FileSystem = ConvertNTFS
OemPreinstall = Yes
OemSkipEula = Yes
; Sets the TimeZone. For example, to set the TimeZone for the
; Pacific Northwest, use a value of "004." Be sure to use the
; numeric value that represents your own time zone. To look up
; a numeric value, see the Unattend.doc file on the Windows 2000 CD.
TimeZone = "YourTimeZone"
; It is recommended that you change the administrator password
; before the computer is placed at its final destination.
AdminPassword = AdminPassword
; Tells Unattended Setup to turn AutoLogon on and log on once.
AutoLogon = Yes
AutoLogonCount = 1
AdvServerType = Servernt
OemSkipWelcome = 1
; The OemSkipRegional key allows Unattended Setup to skip
; RegionalSettings when the final location of the computer is unknown.
OemSkipRegional = 1
; This section is used for server installs.
AutoMode = "PerServer"
AutoUsers = "50"
FullName = "Your user name"
OrgName = "Your organization name"
; It is recommended that you avoid the use of spaces in the
; ComputerName value.
ComputerName = "YourComputer_name"
; To ensure a fully unattended installation, you must provide a value
; for the ProductId key.
ProductId = "Your product ID"
BitsPerPel = 8
XResolution = 800
YResolution = 600
VRefresh = 70
; When you set the value of the InstallDefaultComponents key
; to Yes, Setup will install default networking components.
; The components to be set are TCP/IP, File and Print Sharing,
; and Client for Microsoft Networks.
InstallDefaultComponents = Yes
JoinDomain = YourCorpNet
DomainAdmin = YourCorpAdmin
DomainAdminPassword = YourAdminPassword
; In this example there are three network adapters, Adapter 01,
; Adapter 02, and Adapter 03. The adapter specified here as 01 is not
; always LAN connection 1 in the user interface. The network adapters
; in this example are not identical.
Adapter01 = Params.Adapter01
Adapter02 = Params.Adapter02
Adapter03 = Params.Adapter03
; Specifies which adapter is number one.
; Note that the NetCardAddress key must match a valid address of the
; adapter in the system. For example, a valid address might look like
; the following: NetCardAddress = 0x00C04F778A5A
NetCardAddress = YourNetCardAddress
; The ConnectionName key specifies the name for the network connection
; associated with the network adapter that you are installing.
ConnectionName = CorpNet
; Specifies which adapter is number two. Note that the
; NetCardAddress key must match a valid address of the adapter
; in the system. For example, a valid address might look like the
; following: NetCardAddress = 0x00C04F778A5A
NetCardAddress = YourNetCardAddress
; The ConnectionName key specifies the name for the network connection
; associated with the network adapter that you are installing.
ConnectionName = VendorNet
; Specifies which adapter is number three. Note that the
; NetCardAddress key must match a valid address of the adapter
; in the system. For example, a valid address might look like the
; following: NetCardAddress = 0x00C04F778A5A
NetCardAddress = YourNetCardAddress
; The ConnectionName key specifies the name for the network connection
; associated with the network adapter that you are installing.
ConnectionName = PrivateNet
; Installs the Client for Microsoft Networks.
MS_MSClient = Params.MS_MSClient
; Installs only the TCP/IP protocol.
; This section configures TCP/IP properties.
AdapterSections = Params.MS_TCPIP. Adapter01,params.MS_TCPIP.Adapter02 ,params.MS_TCPIP. Adapter03
; CorpNet on Adapter01 uses DHCP server information.
SpecificTo = Adapter01
DHCP = Yes
DNSServerSearchOrder =,
DNSSuffixSearchOrder = CorpNet, dns.domain.com
DNSDomain = CorpNet
; VendorNet on Adapter02 uses local DHCP information.
SpecificTo = Adapter02
DHCP = Yes
; PrivateNet on Adapter03 uses static information.
SpecificTo = Adapter03
IPAddress =
SubnetMask =
DefaultGateway =
DNSServerSearchOrder =,
; Installs File and Print services.
MS_Server = Params.MS_Server
; Installs Windows Clustering and Administration components on
; Advanced Server when you set the value to On.
Cluster = On
Name = CorpCluster
Action = Form
Account = CorpAdmin
Domain = CorpNet
IPAddr =
Subnet =
Network = CorpNet,ALL
Network = VendorNet,ALL
; You can automate the running of Cluscfg.exe by placing Cluscfg.exe
; in the [GuiRunOnce] section of the Unattended answer file. This
; executes Cluscfg.exe and configures clustering on the first startup
; after GUI mode Setup has completed.
; You must include the full path to the program between the quotes.
"%Windir%\Cluster\Cluscfg.exe –unattend"