HelpEventArgs クラス
HelpRequested イベントのデータを提供します。
この型のすべてのメンバの一覧については、HelpEventArgs メンバ を参照してください。
Public Class HelpEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
public class HelpEventArgs : EventArgs
public __gc class HelpEventArgs : public EventArgs
class HelpEventArgs extends EventArgs
この型の public static (Visual Basicでは Shared) のすべてのメンバは、マルチスレッド操作で安全に使用できます。インスタンスのメンバの場合は、スレッドセーフであるとは限りません。
HelpRequested イベントは、ユーザーがコントロールのヘルプを要求すると発生します。 HelpEventArgs オブジェクトは、マウス ポインタの画面座標、およびイベントが処理されたかどうかを指定します。
イベント モデルの詳細については、「 イベントとデリゲート 」を参照してください。
[Visual Basic, C#, C++] HelpRequested イベントを処理して、4 つのアドレス フィールドを持つフォームにカスタム ヘルプの内容を表示する例を次に示します。 HelpRequested イベントは、アドレス フィールドにフォーカスがあるときに F1 キーを押すか、状況依存のヘルプのボタンを使用してヘルプ カーソルをアドレス フィールド上に合わせてクリックすると、生成されます。 Handled プロパティは、 HelpRequested イベントが処理されることを示す true に設定されます。この例では、ヘルプ テキストを Control.Tag プロパティに格納する方法についても示します。
Imports System
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Private WithEvents addressTextBox As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
Private WithEvents label2 As System.Windows.Forms.Label
Private WithEvents cityTextBox As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
Private WithEvents label3 As System.Windows.Forms.Label
Private WithEvents stateTextBox As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
Private WithEvents zipTextBox As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
Private WithEvents helpLabel As System.Windows.Forms.Label
<STAThread()> _
Shared Sub Main()
Application.Run(New Form1)
End Sub 'Main
Public Sub New()
Me.addressTextBox = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
Me.helpLabel = New System.Windows.Forms.Label
Me.label2 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label
Me.cityTextBox = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
Me.label3 = New System.Windows.Forms.Label
Me.stateTextBox = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
Me.zipTextBox = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
' Help Label
Me.helpLabel.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D
Me.helpLabel.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(8, 80)
Me.helpLabel.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(272, 72)
Me.helpLabel.Text = "Click on any control to give it focus, and then " & _
"press F1 to display help for that" + " control. Alternately, you can " & _
"click the help button at the top of the dialog and then click on a control."
' Address Label
Me.label2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(16, 8)
Me.label2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(100, 16)
Me.label2.Text = "Address:"
' Comma Label
Me.label3.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(136, 56)
Me.label3.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(16, 16)
Me.label3.Text = ","
' Address TextBox
Me.addressTextBox.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(16, 24)
Me.addressTextBox.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(264, 20)
Me.addressTextBox.TabIndex = 0
Me.addressTextBox.Tag = "Enter the stree address in this text box."
Me.addressTextBox.Text = ""
' City TextBox
Me.cityTextBox.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(16, 48)
Me.cityTextBox.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(120, 20)
Me.cityTextBox.TabIndex = 3
Me.cityTextBox.Tag = "Enter the city here."
Me.cityTextBox.Text = ""
' State TextBox
Me.stateTextBox.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(152, 48)
Me.stateTextBox.MaxLength = 2
Me.stateTextBox.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(32, 20)
Me.stateTextBox.TabIndex = 5
Me.stateTextBox.Tag = "Enter the state in this text box."
Me.stateTextBox.Text = ""
' Zip TextBox
Me.zipTextBox.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(192, 48)
Me.zipTextBox.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(88, 20)
Me.zipTextBox.TabIndex = 6
Me.zipTextBox.Tag = "Enter the zip code here."
Me.zipTextBox.Text = ""
' Set up how the form should be displayed and add the controls to the form.
Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(292, 160)
Me.Controls.AddRange(New System.Windows.Forms.Control() {Me.zipTextBox, _
Me.stateTextBox, Me.label3, Me.cityTextBox, _
Me.label2, Me.helpLabel, Me.addressTextBox})
Me.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog
Me.HelpButton = True
Me.MaximizeBox = False
Me.MinimizeBox = False
Me.Text = "Help Event Demonstration"
End Sub 'New
Private Sub textBox_HelpRequested(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal hlpevent As System.Windows.Forms.HelpEventArgs) Handles addressTextBox.HelpRequested, cityTextBox.HelpRequested, stateTextBox.HelpRequested, zipTextBox.HelpRequested
' This event is raised when the F1 key is pressed or the
' Help cursor is clicked on any of the address fields.
' The Help text for the field is in the control's
' Tag property. It is retrieved and displayed in the label.
Dim requestingControl As Control = CType(sender, Control)
helpLabel.Text = CStr(requestingControl.Tag)
hlpevent.Handled = True
End Sub 'textBox_HelpRequested
End Class 'Form1
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
public class Form1 : System.Windows.Forms.Form
private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox addressTextBox;
private System.Windows.Forms.Label label2;
private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox cityTextBox;
private System.Windows.Forms.Label label3;
private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox stateTextBox;
private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox zipTextBox;
private System.Windows.Forms.Label helpLabel;
static void Main()
Application.Run(new Form1());
public Form1()
this.addressTextBox = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
this.helpLabel = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
this.label2 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
this.cityTextBox = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
this.label3 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
this.stateTextBox = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
this.zipTextBox = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
// Help Label
this.helpLabel.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
this.helpLabel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 80);
this.helpLabel.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(272, 72);
this.helpLabel.Text = "Click on any control to give it focus, and then " +
"press F1 to display help for that control. Alternately, you can " +
"click the help button at the top of the dialog and then click on a control.";
// Address Label
this.label2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(16, 8);
this.label2.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(100, 16);
this.label2.Text = "Address:";
// Comma Label
this.label3.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(136, 56);
this.label3.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(16, 16);
this.label3.Text = ",";
// Address TextBox
this.addressTextBox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(16, 24);
this.addressTextBox.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(264, 20);
this.addressTextBox.TabIndex = 0;
this.addressTextBox.Tag = "Enter the street address in this text box.";
this.addressTextBox.Text = "";
this.addressTextBox.HelpRequested += new System.Windows.Forms.HelpEventHandler(this.textBox_HelpRequested);
// City TextBox
this.cityTextBox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(16, 48);
this.cityTextBox.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(120, 20);
this.cityTextBox.TabIndex = 3;
this.cityTextBox.Tag = "Enter the city here.";
this.cityTextBox.Text = "";
this.cityTextBox.HelpRequested += new System.Windows.Forms.HelpEventHandler(this.textBox_HelpRequested);
// State TextBox
this.stateTextBox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(152, 48);
this.stateTextBox.MaxLength = 2;
this.stateTextBox.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(32, 20);
this.stateTextBox.TabIndex = 5;
this.stateTextBox.Tag = "Enter the state in this text box.";
this.stateTextBox.Text = "";
this.stateTextBox.HelpRequested += new System.Windows.Forms.HelpEventHandler(this.textBox_HelpRequested);
// Zip TextBox
this.zipTextBox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(192, 48);
this.zipTextBox.Name = "zipTextBox";
this.zipTextBox.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(88, 20);
this.zipTextBox.TabIndex = 6;
this.zipTextBox.Tag = "Enter the zip code here.";
this.zipTextBox.Text = "";
this.zipTextBox.HelpRequested += new System.Windows.Forms.HelpEventHandler(this.textBox_HelpRequested);
// Set up how the form should be displayed and add the controls to the form.
this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(292, 160);
this.Controls.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.Control[] { this.zipTextBox,
this.stateTextBox, this.label3, this.cityTextBox,
this.label2, this.helpLabel, this.addressTextBox});
this.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog;
this.HelpButton = true;
this.MaximizeBox = false;
this.MinimizeBox = false;
this.Text = "Help Event Demonstration";
private void textBox_HelpRequested(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.HelpEventArgs hlpevent)
// This event is raised when the F1 key is pressed or the
// Help cursor is clicked on any of the address fields.
// The Help text for the field is in the control's
// Tag property. It is retrieved and displayed in the label.
Control requestingControl = (Control)sender;
helpLabel.Text = (string)requestingControl.Tag;
hlpevent.Handled = true;
#using <mscorlib.dll>
#using <System.dll>
#using <System.Windows.Forms.dll>
#using <System.Drawing.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Drawing;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
public __gc class Form1 : public System::Windows::Forms::Form {
System::Windows::Forms::TextBox* addressTextBox;
System::Windows::Forms::Label* label2;
System::Windows::Forms::TextBox* cityTextBox;
System::Windows::Forms::Label* label3;
System::Windows::Forms::TextBox* stateTextBox;
System::Windows::Forms::TextBox* zipTextBox;
System::Windows::Forms::Label* helpLabel;
Form1() {
this->addressTextBox = new System::Windows::Forms::TextBox();
this->helpLabel = new System::Windows::Forms::Label();
this->label2 = new System::Windows::Forms::Label();
this->cityTextBox = new System::Windows::Forms::TextBox();
this->label3 = new System::Windows::Forms::Label();
this->stateTextBox = new System::Windows::Forms::TextBox();
this->zipTextBox = new System::Windows::Forms::TextBox();
// Help Label
this->helpLabel->BorderStyle = System::Windows::Forms::BorderStyle::Fixed3D;
this->helpLabel->Location = System::Drawing::Point(8, 80);
this->helpLabel->Size = System::Drawing::Size(272, 72);
this->helpLabel->Text = S"Click on any control to give it focus, and then press F1 to display help for that control. Alternately, you can click the help button at the top of the dialog and then click on a control.";
// Address Label
this->label2->Location = System::Drawing::Point(16, 8);
this->label2->Size = System::Drawing::Size(100, 16);
this->label2->Text = S"Address:";
// Comma Label
this->label3->Location = System::Drawing::Point(136, 56);
this->label3->Size = System::Drawing::Size(16, 16);
this->label3->Text = S", ";
// Address TextBox
this->addressTextBox->Location = System::Drawing::Point(16, 24);
this->addressTextBox->Size = System::Drawing::Size(264, 20);
this->addressTextBox->TabIndex = 0;
this->addressTextBox->Tag = S"Enter the street address in this text box.";
this->addressTextBox->Text = S"";
this->addressTextBox->HelpRequested += new System::Windows::Forms::HelpEventHandler(this, &Form1::textBox_HelpRequested);
// City TextBox
this->cityTextBox->Location = System::Drawing::Point(16, 48);
this->cityTextBox->Size = System::Drawing::Size(120, 20);
this->cityTextBox->TabIndex = 3;
this->cityTextBox->Tag = S"Enter the city here.";
this->cityTextBox->Text = S"";
this->cityTextBox->HelpRequested += new System::Windows::Forms::HelpEventHandler(this, &Form1::textBox_HelpRequested);
// State TextBox
this->stateTextBox->Location = System::Drawing::Point(152, 48);
this->stateTextBox->MaxLength = 2;
this->stateTextBox->Size = System::Drawing::Size(32, 20);
this->stateTextBox->TabIndex = 5;
this->stateTextBox->Tag = S"Enter the state in this text box.";
this->stateTextBox->Text = S"";
this->stateTextBox->HelpRequested += new System::Windows::Forms::HelpEventHandler(this, &Form1::textBox_HelpRequested);
// Zip TextBox
this->zipTextBox->Location = System::Drawing::Point(192, 48);
this->zipTextBox->Name = S"zipTextBox";
this->zipTextBox->Size = System::Drawing::Size(88, 20);
this->zipTextBox->TabIndex = 6;
this->zipTextBox->Tag = S"Enter the zip code here.";
this->zipTextBox->Text = S"";
this->zipTextBox->HelpRequested += new System::Windows::Forms::HelpEventHandler(this, &Form1::textBox_HelpRequested);
// Set up how the form should be displayed and add the controls to the form.
this->ClientSize = System::Drawing::Size(292, 160);
System::Windows::Forms::Control* temp0 [] = {this->zipTextBox,
this->stateTextBox, this->label3, this->cityTextBox,
this->label2, this->helpLabel, this->addressTextBox};
this->FormBorderStyle = System::Windows::Forms::FormBorderStyle::FixedDialog;
this->HelpButton = true;
this->MaximizeBox = false;
this->MinimizeBox = false;
this->Text = S"Help Event Demonstration";
void textBox_HelpRequested(Object* sender, System::Windows::Forms::HelpEventArgs* hlpevent) {
// This event is raised when the F1 key is pressed or the
// Help cursor is clicked on any of the address fields.
// The Help text for the field is in the control's
// Tag property. It is retrieved and displayed in the label.
Control* requestingControl = dynamic_cast<Control*>(sender);
helpLabel->Text = dynamic_cast<String*>(requestingControl->Tag);
hlpevent->Handled = true;
int main() {
Application::Run(new Form1());
[JScript] JScript のサンプルはありません。Visual Basic、C#、および C++ のサンプルを表示するには、このページの左上隅にある言語のフィルタ ボタン をクリックします。
名前空間: System.Windows.Forms
プラットフォーム: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 ファミリ
アセンブリ: System.Windows.Forms (System.Windows.Forms.dll 内)
HelpEventArgs メンバ | System.Windows.Forms 名前空間 | Help | HelpProvider