
KeyEventArgs.Shift プロパティ

Shift キーが押されたかどうかを示す値を取得します。

Public Overridable ReadOnly Property Shift As Boolean
public virtual bool Shift {get;}
public: __property virtual bool get_Shift();
public function get Shift() : Boolean;


Shift キーが押された場合は true 。それ以外の場合は false


' This example demonstrates how to use the KeyDown event with the Help class to display
' pop-up style help to the user of the application. The example filters for all variations
' of pressing the F1 key with a modifier key by using the KeyEventArgs properties passed
' to the event handling method. 
' When the user presses any variation of F1 that includes any keyboard modifier, the Help
' class displays a pop-up window, similar to a ToolTip, near the control. If the user presses 
' ALT + F2, a different Help pop-up is displayed with additional information. This example assumes
' that a TextBox control, named textBox1, has been added to the form and its KeyDown
' event has been contected to this event handling method.
Private Sub textBox1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles textBox1.KeyDown
    ' Determine whether the key entered is the F1 key. If it is, display Help.
    If e.KeyCode = Keys.F1 AndAlso (e.Alt OrElse e.Control OrElse e.Shift) Then
        ' Display a pop-up Help topic to assist the user.
        Help.ShowPopup(textBox1, "Enter your name.", New Point(textBox1.Bottom, textBox1.Right))
    ElseIf e.KeyCode = Keys.F2 AndAlso e.Modifiers = Keys.Alt Then
        ' Display a pop-up Help topic to provide additional assistance to the user.
        Help.ShowPopup(textBox1, "Enter your first name followed by your last name. Middle name is optional.", _
             New Point(textBox1.Top, Me.textBox1.Left))
    End If
End Sub 'textBox1_KeyDown

// This example demonstrates how to use the KeyDown event with the Help class to display
// pop-up style help to the user of the application. The example filters for all variations
// of pressing the F1 key with a modifier key by using the KeyEventArgs properties passed
// to the event handling method.
// When the user presses any variation of F1 that includes any keyboard modifier, the Help
// class displays a pop-up window, similar to a ToolTip, near the control. If the user presses
// ALT + F2, a different Help pop-up is displayed with additional information. This example assumes
// that a tTextBox control, named textBox1, has been added to the form and its KeyDown
// event has been contected to this event handling method.
private void textBox1_KeyDown(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs e)
    // Determine whether the key entered is the F1 key. If it is, display Help.
    if(e.KeyCode == Keys.F1 && (e.Alt || e.Control || e.Shift))
        // Display a pop-up Help topic to assist the user.
        Help.ShowPopup(textBox1, "Enter your name.", new Point(textBox1.Bottom, textBox1.Right));
    else if(e.KeyCode == Keys.F2 && e.Modifiers == Keys.Alt)
        // Display a pop-up Help topic to provide additional assistance to the user.
        Help.ShowPopup(textBox1, "Enter your first name followed by your last name. Middle name is optional.",
            new Point(textBox1.Top, this.textBox1.Left));

// This example demonstrates how to use the KeyDown event with the Help class to display
// pop-up style help to the user of the application. The example filters for all variations
// of pressing the F1 key with a modifier key by using the KeyEventArgs properties passed
// to the event handling method.
// When the user presses any variation of F1 that includes any keyboard modifier, the Help
// class displays a pop-up window, similar to a ToolTip, near the control. If the user presses
// ALT + F2, a different Help pop-up is displayed with additional information. This example assumes
// that a tTextBox control, named textBox1, has been added to the form and its KeyDown
// event has been contected to this event handling method.
void textBox1_KeyDown(Object* /*sender*/, System::Windows::Forms::KeyEventArgs* e)
   // Determine whether the key entered is the F1 key. If it is, display Help.
   if(e->KeyCode == Keys::F1 && (e->Alt || e->Control || e->Shift))
      // Display a pop-up Help topic to assist the user.
      Help::ShowPopup(textBox1, S"Enter your name.", Point(textBox1->Bottom, textBox1->Right));
   else if(e->KeyCode == Keys::F2 && e->Modifiers == Keys::Alt)
      // Display a pop-up Help topic to provide additional assistance to the user.
      Help::ShowPopup(textBox1, S"Enter your first name followed by your last name. Middle name is optional.",
         Point(textBox1->Top, this->textBox1->Left));

[JScript] JScript のサンプルはありません。Visual Basic、C#、および C++ のサンプルを表示するには、このページの左上隅にある言語のフィルタ ボタン 言語のフィルタ をクリックします。


プラットフォーム: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 ファミリ, .NET Compact Framework - Windows CE .NET


KeyEventArgs クラス | KeyEventArgs メンバ | System.Windows.Forms 名前空間 | Alt | Control | Modifiers