TypeBuilder.DefineUninitializedData メソッド
移植可能な実行可能 (PE) ファイルの .sdata セクションの初期化されていないデータ フィールドを定義します。
Public Function DefineUninitializedData( _
ByVal name As String, _ ByVal size As Integer, _ ByVal attributes As FieldAttributes _) As FieldBuilder
public FieldBuilder DefineUninitializedData(stringname,intsize,FieldAttributesattributes);
public: FieldBuilder* DefineUninitializedData(String* name,intsize,FieldAttributesattributes);
public function DefineUninitializedData(
name : String,size : int,attributes : FieldAttributes) : FieldBuilder;
- name
データを参照するために使用される名前。name に null を埋め込むことはできません。 - size
データ フィールドのサイズ。 - attributes
例外の種類 | 条件 |
ArgumentException | name の長さが 0 です。
または size が 0 以下か、0x003f0000 以上です。 |
ArgumentNullException | name が null 参照 (Visual Basic では Nothing) です。 |
InvalidOperationException | この型は、 CreateType を使用して既に作成されています。 |
attributes パラメータに FieldAttributes.Static を含めなかった場合でも、このメソッドを使用して作成するフィールドは静的なフィールド (Visual Basic の場合は Shared) になります。
[Visual Basic, C#, C++] 次のコード例は、 DefineUninitializedData を使用して、動的な型に、初期化されていないデータ フィールドを作成する方法を示しています。
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Reflection.Emit
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Public Class EmittedClass
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim myHelloWorldType As Type = CreateCallee(Thread.GetDomain())
Dim myHelloWorldInstance As Object = Activator.CreateInstance(myHelloWorldType)
Dim myGreetingFieldInfo As FieldInfo = myHelloWorldType.GetField("MyGreeting")
Dim oval As Object = Activator.CreateInstance(myGreetingFieldInfo.FieldType)
Dim myIntPtr As IntPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(4)
Dim rand As New Random()
Dim iTempSeed As Integer = rand.Next()
Dim bINITBYTE As Byte() = GetRandBytes(iTempSeed, 4)
Dim intptrTemp As IntPtr = myIntPtr
Dim j As Integer
For j = 0 To 3
Marshal.WriteByte(myIntPtr, bINITBYTE(j))
myIntPtr = intptr.op_Explicit(myIntPtr.ToInt32 + 1)
Next j
myIntPtr = intptrTemp
Dim oValNew As [Object] = Marshal.PtrToStructure(myIntPtr, myGreetingFieldInfo.FieldType)
myIntPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(4)
Dim myObj As Object = myGreetingFieldInfo.GetValue(myHelloWorldInstance)
Marshal.StructureToPtr(myObj, myIntPtr, True)
intptrTemp = myIntPtr
Console.WriteLine("The value of 'MyGreeting' field : ")
For j = 0 To 3
Marshal.WriteByte(myIntPtr, bINITBYTE(j))
myIntPtr = intptr.op_Explicit(myIntPtr.ToInt32 + 1)
Next j
End Sub 'Main
Private Shared Function GetRandBytes(ByVal iRandSeed As Integer, ByVal iSize As Integer) As Byte()
Dim barr(iSize) As Byte
Dim randTemp As New Random(iRandSeed)
Return barr
End Function 'GetRandBytes
' Create the callee transient dynamic assembly.
Private Shared Function CreateCallee(ByVal myDomain As AppDomain) As Type
' Create a simple name for the callee assembly.
Dim myAssemblyName As New AssemblyName()
myAssemblyName.Name = "EmittedClass"
' Create the callee dynamic assembly.
Dim myAssembly As AssemblyBuilder = myDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(myAssemblyName, AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run)
' Create a dynamic module in the callee assembly.
Dim myModule As ModuleBuilder = myAssembly.DefineDynamicModule("EmittedModule")
' Define a public class named "MyHelloWorld"
Dim myHelloWorldType As TypeBuilder = myModule.DefineType("MyHelloWorld", TypeAttributes.Public)
' Define a 'MyGreeting' field and initialize it.
Dim myFieldBuilder As FieldBuilder = myHelloWorldType.DefineUninitializedData("MyGreeting", 4, FieldAttributes.Public)
' Create the 'MyHelloWorld' class.
Return myHelloWorldType.CreateType()
End Function 'CreateCallee
End Class 'EmittedClass
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public class EmittedClass
public static void Main()
Type myHelloWorldType = CreateCallee(Thread.GetDomain());
object myHelloWorldInstance =
FieldInfo myGreetingFieldInfo =
object oval = Activator.CreateInstance(myGreetingFieldInfo.FieldType);
IntPtr myIntPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(4);
Random rand = new Random();
int iTempSeed = rand.Next();
byte[] bINITBYTE = GetRandBytes( iTempSeed, 4);
IntPtr intptrTemp = myIntPtr;
for ( int j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
Marshal.WriteByte( myIntPtr, bINITBYTE[j]);
myIntPtr = (IntPtr)((int)myIntPtr + 1);
myIntPtr = intptrTemp;
Object oValNew = Marshal.PtrToStructure( myIntPtr, myGreetingFieldInfo.FieldType);
Marshal.FreeHGlobal( myIntPtr );
myIntPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(4);
object myObj = myGreetingFieldInfo.GetValue(myHelloWorldInstance);
Marshal.StructureToPtr(myObj, myIntPtr, true);
intptrTemp = myIntPtr;
Console.WriteLine("The value of 'MyGreeting' field : ");
for ( int j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
Marshal.WriteByte( myIntPtr, bINITBYTE[j]);
myIntPtr = (IntPtr)((int)myIntPtr + 1);
private static byte[] GetRandBytes( int iRandSeed, int iSize )
byte[] barr = new byte[iSize];
Random randTemp = new Random( iRandSeed );
randTemp.NextBytes( barr );
return barr;
// Create the callee transient dynamic assembly.
private static Type CreateCallee(AppDomain myDomain)
// Create a simple name for the callee assembly.
AssemblyName myAssemblyName = new AssemblyName();
myAssemblyName.Name = "EmittedClass";
// Create the callee dynamic assembly.
AssemblyBuilder myAssembly =
// Create a dynamic module in the callee assembly.
ModuleBuilder myModule =
// Define a public class named "MyHelloWorld"
TypeBuilder myHelloWorldType =
myModule.DefineType("MyHelloWorld", TypeAttributes.Public);
// Define a 'MyGreeting' field and initialize it.
FieldBuilder myFieldBuilder =
// Create the 'MyHelloWorld' class.
#using <mscorlib.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Threading;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::Reflection::Emit;
using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;
public __gc class EmittedClass
static void Main()
Type* myHelloWorldType = CreateCallee(Thread::GetDomain());
Object* myHelloWorldInstance =
FieldInfo* myGreetingFieldInfo =
Object* oval = Activator::CreateInstance(myGreetingFieldInfo->FieldType);
IntPtr myIntPtr = Marshal::AllocHGlobal(4);
Random* rand = new Random();
int iTempSeed = rand->Next();
Byte bINITBYTE[] = GetRandBytes( iTempSeed, 4);
IntPtr intptrTemp = myIntPtr;
for ( int j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
Marshal::WriteByte( myIntPtr, bINITBYTE[j]);
myIntPtr = (IntPtr)((int)myIntPtr + 1);
myIntPtr = intptrTemp;
Object* oValNew = Marshal::PtrToStructure( myIntPtr, myGreetingFieldInfo->FieldType);
Marshal::FreeHGlobal( myIntPtr );
myIntPtr = Marshal::AllocHGlobal(4);
Object* myObj = myGreetingFieldInfo->GetValue(myHelloWorldInstance);
Marshal::StructureToPtr(myObj, myIntPtr, true);
intptrTemp = myIntPtr;
Console::WriteLine(S"The value of 'MyGreeting' field : ");
for ( int j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
Marshal::WriteByte( myIntPtr, bINITBYTE[j]);
myIntPtr = (IntPtr)((int)myIntPtr + 1);
static Byte GetRandBytes( int iRandSeed, int iSize )[]
Byte barr[] = new Byte[iSize];
Random* randTemp = new Random( iRandSeed );
randTemp->NextBytes( barr );
return barr;
// Create the callee transient dynamic assembly.
static Type* CreateCallee(AppDomain* myDomain)
// Create a simple name for the callee assembly.
AssemblyName* myAssemblyName = new AssemblyName();
myAssemblyName->Name = S"EmittedClass";
// Create the callee dynamic assembly.
AssemblyBuilder* myAssembly =
// Create a dynamic module in the callee assembly.
ModuleBuilder* myModule =
// Define a public class named "MyHelloWorld"
TypeBuilder* myHelloWorldType =
myModule->DefineType(S"MyHelloWorld", TypeAttributes::Public);
// Define a 'MyGreeting' field and initialize it.
FieldBuilder* myFieldBuilder =
// Create the 'MyHelloWorld' class.
int main()
[JScript] JScript のサンプルはありません。Visual Basic、C#、および C++ のサンプルを表示するには、このページの左上隅にある言語のフィルタ ボタン をクリックします。
プラットフォーム: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 ファミリ
TypeBuilder クラス | TypeBuilder メンバ | System.Reflection.Emit 名前空間