
ISite インターフェイス


この型のすべてのメンバの一覧については、ISite メンバ を参照してください。


Public Interface ISite   Inherits IServiceProvider
public interface ISite : IServiceProvider
public __gc __interface ISite : public IServiceProvider
interface ISite implements IServiceProvider


コンテナがそのコンポーネントを管理する方法を提供するのと同様に、サイトは ComponentContainer にバインドし、コンポーネント間の通信を有効にします。


実装時の注意: サイトでは、クラスは ISite インターフェイスを実装する必要があります。


[Visual Basic, C#, C++] 蔵書用のコンテナを使用するための ISiteIComponent 、および IContainer の実装例を次に示します。

'The following example demonstrates the implementation of 
'ISite, IComponent, and IContainer for use in a simple library container.
'This example imports the System, System.ComponentModel, and System.Collections

'This code segment implements the ISite and IComponent interfaces.
'The implementation of the IContainer interface can be seen in the documentation 
'of IContainer.

'Implement the ISite interface.

'The ISBNSite class represents the ISBN name of the book component

Class ISBNSite
Implements ISite
Private m_curComponent As IComponent
Private m_curContainer As IContainer
Private m_bDesignMode As Boolean
Private m_ISBNCmpName As String

Public Sub New(ByVal actvCntr As IContainer, ByVal prntCmpnt As IComponent)
    m_curComponent = prntCmpnt
    m_curContainer = actvCntr
    m_bDesignMode = False
    m_ISBNCmpName = Nothing
End Sub

'Support the ISite interface.
Public ReadOnly Property Component() As IComponent Implements ISite.Component
        Return m_curComponent
    End Get
End Property

Public ReadOnly Property Container() As IContainer Implements ISite.Container
        Return m_curContainer
    End Get
End Property

Public ReadOnly Property DesignMode() As Boolean Implements ISite.DesignMode
        Return m_bDesignMode
    End Get
End Property

Public Property Name() As String Implements ISite.Name
        Return m_ISBNCmpName
    End Get
    Set(ByVal Value As String)
        m_ISBNCmpName = Value
    End Set
End Property

'Support the IServiceProvider interface.
Public Function GetService(ByVal serviceType As Type) As Object Implements ISite.GetService
    'This example does not use any service object.
    GetService = Nothing
End Function
End Class

'The BookComponent class represents the book component of the library container.
Class BookComponent
Implements IComponent
Public Event Disposed As EventHandler Implements IComponent.Disposed
Private m_curISBNSite As ISite
Private m_bookTitle As String
Private m_bookAuthor As String

Public Sub New(ByVal Title As String, ByVal Author As String)
    m_curISBNSite = Nothing
    m_bookTitle = Title
    m_bookAuthor = Author
End Sub

Public ReadOnly Property Title() As String
        Return m_bookTitle
    End Get
End Property

Public ReadOnly Property Author() As String
        Return m_bookAuthor
    End Get
End Property

Public Sub Dispose() Implements IComponent.Dispose
    'There is nothing to clean.
    RaiseEvent Disposed(Me, EventArgs.Empty)
End Sub

Public Property Site() As ISite Implements IComponent.Site
        Return m_curISBNSite
    End Get
    Set(ByVal Value As ISite)
        m_curISBNSite = Value
    End Set
End Property

Public Overloads Function Equals(ByVal cmp As Object) As Boolean
    Dim cmpObj As BookComponent = CType(cmp, BookComponent)
    If (Me.Title.Equals(cmpObj.Title) And Me.Author.Equals(cmpObj.Author)) Then
        Equals = True
        Equals = False
    End If
End Function

Public Overrides Function GetHashCode() As Integer
    GetHashCode = MyBase.GetHashCode()
End Function

End Class

/// <summary>
/// The following example demonstrates the implementation of 
/// ISite, IComponent, and IContainer for use in a simple library container.
/// This example uses the System, System.ComponentModel, and System.Collections
/// namespaces.
/// </summary>

//This code segment implements the ISite and IComponent interfaces.
//The implementation of the IContainer interface can be seen in the documentation 
//of IContainer.

//Implement the ISite interface.

// The ISBNSite class represents the ISBN name of the book component
class ISBNSite : ISite
    private IComponent m_curComponent;
    private IContainer m_curContainer;
    private bool m_bDesignMode;
    private string m_ISBNCmpName;

    public ISBNSite(IContainer actvCntr, IComponent prntCmpnt)
        m_curComponent = prntCmpnt;
        m_curContainer = actvCntr;
        m_bDesignMode = false;
        m_ISBNCmpName = null;

    //Support the ISite interface.
    public virtual IComponent Component
            return m_curComponent;

    public virtual IContainer Container
            return m_curContainer;
    public virtual bool DesignMode
            return m_bDesignMode;

    public virtual string Name
            return m_ISBNCmpName;

            m_ISBNCmpName = value;

    //Support the IServiceProvider interface.
    public virtual object GetService(Type serviceType)
        //This example does not use any service object.
        return null;


// The BookComponent class represents the book component of the library container.

// This class implements the IComponent interface.

class BookComponent : IComponent
    public event EventHandler Disposed;
    private ISite m_curISBNSite;
    private string m_bookTitle;
    private string m_bookAuthor;

    public BookComponent(string Title, string Author)
        m_curISBNSite = null;
        Disposed = null;
        m_bookTitle = Title;
        m_bookAuthor = Author;

    public string Title
            return m_bookTitle;

    public string Author
            return m_bookAuthor;

    public virtual void Dispose()
        //There is nothing to clean.
        if(Disposed != null)

    public virtual ISite Site
            return m_curISBNSite;
            m_curISBNSite = value;

    public override bool Equals(object cmp)
        BookComponent cmpObj = (BookComponent)cmp;
        if(this.Title.Equals(cmpObj.Title) && this.Author.Equals(cmpObj.Author))
            return true;

        return false;

    public override int GetHashCode()
        return base.GetHashCode();

/// <summary>
/// The following example demonstrates the implementation of
/// ISite, IComponent, and IContainer for use in a simple library container.
/// This example uses the System, System.ComponentModel, and System.Collections
/// namespaces.
/// </summary>

//This code segment implements the ISite and IComponent interfaces.
//The implementation of the IContainer interface can be seen in the documentation
//of IContainer.

//Implement the ISite interface.

// The ISBNSite class represents the ISBN name of the book component
__gc class ISBNSite : public ISite

    IComponent* m_curComponent;
    IContainer* m_curContainer;
    bool m_bDesignMode;
    String* m_ISBNCmpName;

    ISBNSite(IContainer* actvCntr, IComponent* prntCmpnt)
        m_curComponent = prntCmpnt;
        m_curContainer = actvCntr;
        m_bDesignMode = false;
        m_ISBNCmpName = 0;

    //Support the ISite interface.
    __property virtual IComponent* get_Component()
            return m_curComponent;

    __property virtual IContainer* get_Container()
            return m_curContainer;

    __property virtual bool get_DesignMode()
            return m_bDesignMode;

    __property virtual String* get_Name()
            return m_ISBNCmpName;

    __property virtual void set_Name( String* value )
            m_ISBNCmpName = value;

    //Support the IServiceProvider interface.
    virtual Object* GetService(Type* serviceType)
        //This example does not use any service object.
        return 0;


// The BookComponent class represents the book component of the library container.

// This class implements the IComponent interface.

__gc class BookComponent : public IComponent

    ISite* m_curISBNSite;
    String* m_bookTitle;
    String* m_bookAuthor;


    __event virtual EventHandler* Disposed;

    BookComponent(String* Title, String* Author)
        m_curISBNSite = 0;
        Disposed = 0;
        m_bookTitle = Title;
        m_bookAuthor = Author;

    __property String* get_Title()
            return m_bookTitle;

    __property String* get_Author()
            return m_bookAuthor;

    virtual void Dispose()
        //There is nothing to clean.
        if(Disposed != 0)

    __property virtual ISite* get_Site()
            return m_curISBNSite;

    __property virtual void set_Site( ISite* value )
            m_curISBNSite = value;

    bool Equals(Object* cmp)
        BookComponent* cmpObj = __try_cast<BookComponent*>(cmp);
        return (this->Title->Equals(cmpObj->Title) && this->Author->Equals(cmpObj->Author));

    int GetHashCode()
        return IComponent::GetHashCode();

[JScript] JScript のサンプルはありません。Visual Basic、C#、および C++ のサンプルを表示するには、このページの左上隅にある言語のフィルタ ボタン 言語のフィルタ をクリックします。


名前空間: System.ComponentModel

プラットフォーム: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 ファミリ, .NET Compact Framework - Windows CE .NET

アセンブリ: System (System.dll 内)


ISite メンバ | System.ComponentModel 名前空間 | Component | IComponent | Container | IContainer