
Type.IsArrayImpl メソッド

派生クラスによってオーバーライドされるときに、 IsArray プロパティを実装し、 Type が配列かどうかを判断します。

Protected MustOverride Function IsArrayImpl() As Boolean
protected abstract bool IsArrayImpl();
protected: virtual bool IsArrayImpl() = 0;
protected abstract function IsArrayImpl() : Boolean;


Type が配列である場合は true 。それ以外の場合は false


Array クラスのインスタンスは、配列ではなくオブジェクトであるため、 false を返す必要があります。


[Visual Basic, C#, C++] MyTypeDelegator クラスの IsArrayImpl メソッドをオーバーライドし、変数が配列かどうかをチェックして、結果を表示する例を次に示します。

Imports System
Imports System.Reflection
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Public Class MyTypeDelegator
    Inherits TypeDelegator
    Public myElementType As String = Nothing
    Public myType As Type
    Public Sub New(ByVal myType As Type)
        Me.myType = myType
    End Sub 'New
    ' Override IsArrayImpl().
    Protected Overrides Function IsArrayImpl() As Boolean
        ' Determine whether the type is an array.
        If myType.IsArray Then
            myElementType = "array"
            Return True
        End If
        ' Return false if the type is not an array.
        Return False
    End Function 'IsArrayImpl
End Class 'MyTypeDelegator

Public Class Type_IsArrayImpl
    Public Shared Sub Main()
            Dim myInt As Integer = 0
            ' Create an instance of an array element.
            Dim myArray(4) As Integer
            Dim myType As New MyTypeDelegator(myArray.GetType())
            Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.NewLine + "Determine whether the variable is an array." + ControlChars.NewLine)
            ' Determine whether 'myType' is an array type.  
            If myType.IsArray Then
                Console.WriteLine("The type of myArray is {0}.", myType.myElementType)
                Console.WriteLine("myArray is not an array.")
            End If
            myType = New MyTypeDelegator(myInt.GetType())
            ' Determine whether myType is an array type. 
            If myType.IsArray Then
                Console.WriteLine("The type of myInt is {0}.", myType.myElementType)
                Console.WriteLine("myInt is not an array.")
            End If
        Catch e As Exception
            Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", e.Message.ToString())
        End Try
    End Sub 'Main
End Class 'Type_IsArrayImpl

using System;
using System.Reflection;
public class MyTypeDelegator : TypeDelegator
    public string myElementType = null;
    public Type myType;
    public MyTypeDelegator(Type myType) : base(myType)
        this.myType = myType;
    // Override IsArrayImpl().
    protected override bool IsArrayImpl()
        // Determine whether the type is an array.
            myElementType = "array";
            return true;
        // Return false if the type is not an array.
        return false;  
public class Type_IsArrayImpl
    public static void Main()
            int myInt = 0 ; 
            // Create an instance of an array element.
            int[] myArray = new int[5];
            MyTypeDelegator myType = new MyTypeDelegator(myArray.GetType());
            Console.WriteLine("\nDetermine whether the variable is an array.\n");
            // Determine whether myType is an array type.  
            if( myType.IsArray)
                Console.WriteLine("The type of myArray is {0}.", myType.myElementType);
                Console.WriteLine("myArray is not an array.");
            myType = new MyTypeDelegator(myInt.GetType());

            // Determine whether myType is an array type. 
            if( myType.IsArray)
                Console.WriteLine("The type of myInt is {0}.", myType.myElementType);
                Console.WriteLine("myInt is not an array.");
        catch( Exception e )
            Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", e.Message );

#using <mscorlib.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;
public __gc class MyTypeDelegator : public TypeDelegator {
   String* myElementType;
   Type*  myType;
   MyTypeDelegator(Type* myType) : TypeDelegator(myType) {
      this->myType = myType;
   // Override IsArrayImpl().
   bool IsArrayImpl() {
      // Determine whether the type is an array.
      if (myType->IsArray) {
         myElementType = S"array";
         return true;
      // Return false if the type is not an array.
      return false;

int main() {
   try {
      int myInt = 0 ;
      // Create an instance of an array element.
      Int32 myArray[] = new Int32[5];
      MyTypeDelegator* myType = new MyTypeDelegator(myArray->GetType());
      Console::WriteLine(S"\nDetermine whether the variable is an array.\n");
      // Determine whether myType is an array type.
      if (myType->IsArray)
         Console::WriteLine(S"The type of myArray is {0}.", myType->myElementType);
         Console::WriteLine(S"myArray is not an array.");
      myType = new MyTypeDelegator(__box(myInt)->GetType());

      // Determine whether myType is an array type.
      if (myType->IsArray)
         Console::WriteLine(S"The type of myInt is {0}.", myType->myElementType);
         Console::WriteLine(S"myInt is not an array.");
   } catch (Exception* e) {
      Console::WriteLine(S"Exception: {0}", e->Message);

[JScript] JScript のサンプルはありません。Visual Basic、C#、および C++ のサンプルを表示するには、このページの左上隅にある言語のフィルタ ボタン 言語のフィルタ をクリックします。


プラットフォーム: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 ファミリ, .NET Compact Framework - Windows CE .NET, Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) Standard


Type クラス | Type メンバ | System 名前空間 | IsArray