Random クラス
この型のすべてのメンバの一覧については、Random メンバ を参照してください。
Public Class Random
public class Random
public __gc class Random
class Random
この型の public static (Visual Basicでは Shared) のすべてのメンバは、マルチスレッド操作で安全に使用できます。インスタンスのメンバの場合は、スレッドセーフであるとは限りません。
乱数の生成には、初期値としてシード値を使用します。同じシードを繰り返し使用すると、生成される乱数系列も同じになります。異なる乱数系列を生成する 1 つの方法は、シード値を時間によって決定することです。これにより、 Random の新しいインスタンスごとに異なる乱数系列を生成できます。
パフォーマンスを向上するには、1 つの乱数を生成するために繰り返し新しい Random を作成するのではなく、1 つの Random を作成して何回も使用し、多くの乱数を生成するようにします。
ランダム パスワードの作成に適した、暗号として安全な乱数を生成するには、たとえば、 System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider などの System.Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator から派生したクラスを使用します。
[Visual Basic, C#, C++] 次に示すのは、クラス コンストラクタのさまざまなオーバーロードを使用して Random オブジェクトを作成し、それらのオブジェクトから Int32 および Double のランダムなシーケンスを生成するコード例です。
' Example of the Random class constructors and Random.NextDouble( )
' method.
Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Module RandomObjectDemo
' Generate random numbers from the specified Random object.
Sub RunIntNDoubleRandoms( randObj As Random )
' Generate the first six random integers.
Dim j As Integer
For j = 0 To 5
Console.Write( " {0,10} ", randObj.Next( ) )
Next j
Console.WriteLine( )
' Generate the first six random doubles.
For j = 0 To 5
Console.Write( " {0:F8} ", randObj.NextDouble( ) )
Next j
Console.WriteLine( )
End Sub
' Create a Random object with the specified seed.
Sub FixedSeedRandoms( seed As Integer )
Console.WriteLine( vbCrLf & _
"Random numbers from a Random object with " & _
"seed = {0}:", seed )
Dim fixRand As New Random( seed )
RunIntNDoubleRandoms( fixRand )
End Sub
' Create a random object with a timer-generated seed.
Sub AutoSeedRandoms( )
' Wait to allow the timer to advance.
Thread.Sleep( 1 )
Console.WriteLine( vbCrLf & _
"Random numbers from a Random object " & _
"with an auto-generated seed:" )
Dim autoRand As New Random( )
RunIntNDoubleRandoms( autoRand )
End Sub
Sub Main( )
Console.WriteLine( _
"This example of the Random class constructors " & _
"and Random.NextDouble( ) " & vbCrLf & _
"generates the following output." & vbCrLf )
Console.WriteLine( "Create Random " & _
"objects, and then generate and display six " & _
"integers and " & vbCrLf & "six doubles from each." )
FixedSeedRandoms( 123 )
FixedSeedRandoms( 123 )
FixedSeedRandoms( 456 )
FixedSeedRandoms( 456 )
AutoSeedRandoms( )
AutoSeedRandoms( )
AutoSeedRandoms( )
End Sub
End Module
' This example of the Random class constructors and Random.NextDouble( )
' generates the following output.
' Create Random objects, and then generate and display six integers and
' six doubles from each.
' Random numbers from a Random object with seed = 123:
' 2114319875 1949518561 1596751841 1742987178 1586516133 103755708
' 0.01700087 0.14935942 0.19470390 0.63008947 0.90976122 0.49519146
' Random numbers from a Random object with seed = 123:
' 2114319875 1949518561 1596751841 1742987178 1586516133 103755708
' 0.01700087 0.14935942 0.19470390 0.63008947 0.90976122 0.49519146
' Random numbers from a Random object with seed = 456:
' 2044805024 1323311594 1087799997 1907260840 179380355 120870348
' 0.21988117 0.21026556 0.39236514 0.42420498 0.24102703 0.47310170
' Random numbers from a Random object with seed = 456:
' 2044805024 1323311594 1087799997 1907260840 179380355 120870348
' 0.21988117 0.21026556 0.39236514 0.42420498 0.24102703 0.47310170
' Random numbers from a Random object with an auto-generated seed:
' 1920831619 1346865774 2006582766 1968819760 332463652 110770792
' 0.71326689 0.50383335 0.50446082 0.66312569 0.94517193 0.58059287
' Random numbers from a Random object with an auto-generated seed:
' 254927927 1205531663 1984850027 110020849 1438111494 1697714106
' 0.19383387 0.52067738 0.74162783 0.35063667 0.31247720 0.38773733
' Random numbers from a Random object with an auto-generated seed:
' 736507882 1064197552 1963117288 398705585 396275689 1137173773
' 0.67440084 0.53752140 0.97879483 0.03814764 0.67978248 0.19488178
// Example of the Random class constructors and Random.NextDouble( )
// method.
using System;
using System.Threading;
public class RandomObjectDemo
// Generate random numbers from the specified Random object.
static void RunIntNDoubleRandoms( Random randObj )
// Generate the first six random integers.
for( int j = 0; j < 6; j++ )
Console.Write( " {0,10} ", randObj.Next( ) );
Console.WriteLine( );
// Generate the first six random doubles.
for( int j = 0; j < 6; j++ )
Console.Write( " {0:F8} ", randObj.NextDouble( ) );
Console.WriteLine( );
// Create a Random object with the specified seed.
static void FixedSeedRandoms( int seed )
"\nRandom numbers from a Random object with " +
"seed = {0}:", seed );
Random fixRand = new Random( seed );
RunIntNDoubleRandoms( fixRand );
// Create a random object with a timer-generated seed.
static void AutoSeedRandoms( )
// Wait to allow the timer to advance.
Thread.Sleep( 1 );
"\nRandom numbers from a Random object " +
"with an auto-generated seed:" );
Random autoRand = new Random( );
RunIntNDoubleRandoms( autoRand );
static void Main( )
"This example of the Random class constructors and " +
"Random.NextDouble( ) \n" +
"generates the following output.\n" );
"Create Random objects, and then generate and " +
"display six integers and \nsix doubles from each.");
FixedSeedRandoms( 123 );
FixedSeedRandoms( 123 );
FixedSeedRandoms( 456 );
FixedSeedRandoms( 456 );
AutoSeedRandoms( );
AutoSeedRandoms( );
AutoSeedRandoms( );
This example of the Random class constructors and Random.NextDouble( )
generates the following output.
Create Random objects, and then generate and display six integers and
six doubles from each.
Random numbers from a Random object with seed = 123:
2114319875 1949518561 1596751841 1742987178 1586516133 103755708
0.01700087 0.14935942 0.19470390 0.63008947 0.90976122 0.49519146
Random numbers from a Random object with seed = 123:
2114319875 1949518561 1596751841 1742987178 1586516133 103755708
0.01700087 0.14935942 0.19470390 0.63008947 0.90976122 0.49519146
Random numbers from a Random object with seed = 456:
2044805024 1323311594 1087799997 1907260840 179380355 120870348
0.21988117 0.21026556 0.39236514 0.42420498 0.24102703 0.47310170
Random numbers from a Random object with seed = 456:
2044805024 1323311594 1087799997 1907260840 179380355 120870348
0.21988117 0.21026556 0.39236514 0.42420498 0.24102703 0.47310170
Random numbers from a Random object with an auto-generated seed:
380213349 127379247 1969091178 1983029819 1963098450 1648433124
0.08824121 0.41249688 0.36445811 0.05637512 0.62702451 0.49595560
Random numbers from a Random object with an auto-generated seed:
861793304 2133528783 1947358439 124230908 921262645 1087892791
0.56880819 0.42934091 0.60162512 0.74388610 0.99432979 0.30310005
Random numbers from a Random object with an auto-generated seed:
1343373259 1992194672 1925625700 412915644 2026910487 527352458
0.04937517 0.44618494 0.83879212 0.43139707 0.36163507 0.11024451
// Example of the Random class constructors and Random::NextDouble( )
// method.
#using <mscorlib.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Threading;
// Generate random numbers from the specified Random object.
void RunIntNDoubleRandoms( Random* randObj )
// Generate the first six random integers.
for( int j = 0; j < 6; j++ )
Console::Write( S" {0,10} ", __box( randObj->Next( ) ) );
Console::WriteLine( );
// Generate the first six random doubles.
for( int j = 0; j < 6; j++ )
Console::Write( S" {0:F8} ",
__box( randObj->NextDouble( ) ) );
Console::WriteLine( );
// Create a Random object with the specified seed.
void FixedSeedRandoms( int seed )
S"\nRandom numbers from a Random object with seed = {0}:",
__box( seed ) );
Random* fixRand = new Random( seed );
RunIntNDoubleRandoms( fixRand );
// Create a random object with a timer-generated seed.
void AutoSeedRandoms( )
// Wait to allow the timer to advance.
Thread::Sleep( 1 );
S"\nRandom numbers from a Random object "
S"with an auto-generated seed:" );
Random* autoRand = new Random( );
RunIntNDoubleRandoms( autoRand );
void main( )
S"This example of the Random class constructors and Random"
S"::NextDouble( ) \ngenerates the following output.\n" );
S"Create Random objects, and then generate and "
S"display six integers and \nsix doubles from each." );
FixedSeedRandoms( 123 );
FixedSeedRandoms( 123 );
FixedSeedRandoms( 456 );
FixedSeedRandoms( 456 );
AutoSeedRandoms( );
AutoSeedRandoms( );
AutoSeedRandoms( );
This example of the Random class constructors and Random::NextDouble( )
generates the following output.
Create Random objects, and then generate and display six integers and
six doubles from each.
Random numbers from a Random object with seed = 123:
2114319875 1949518561 1596751841 1742987178 1586516133 103755708
0.01700087 0.14935942 0.19470390 0.63008947 0.90976122 0.49519146
Random numbers from a Random object with seed = 123:
2114319875 1949518561 1596751841 1742987178 1586516133 103755708
0.01700087 0.14935942 0.19470390 0.63008947 0.90976122 0.49519146
Random numbers from a Random object with seed = 456:
2044805024 1323311594 1087799997 1907260840 179380355 120870348
0.21988117 0.21026556 0.39236514 0.42420498 0.24102703 0.47310170
Random numbers from a Random object with seed = 456:
2044805024 1323311594 1087799997 1907260840 179380355 120870348
0.21988117 0.21026556 0.39236514 0.42420498 0.24102703 0.47310170
Random numbers from a Random object with an auto-generated seed:
1624372556 1894939458 302472229 588108304 23919954 1085111949
0.14595512 0.30162298 0.92267372 0.55707657 0.25430079 0.74143239
Random numbers from a Random object with an auto-generated seed:
2105952511 1753605347 280739490 876793040 1129567796 524571616
0.62652210 0.31846701 0.15984073 0.24458755 0.62160607 0.54857684
Random numbers from a Random object with an auto-generated seed:
440048819 1612271236 259006751 1165477776 87731991 2111514930
0.10708907 0.33531104 0.39700773 0.93209853 0.98891135 0.35572129
[JScript] JScript のサンプルはありません。Visual Basic、C#、および C++ のサンプルを表示するには、このページの左上隅にある言語のフィルタ ボタン をクリックします。
名前空間: System
プラットフォーム: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 ファミリ, .NET Compact Framework - Windows CE .NET
アセンブリ: Mscorlib (Mscorlib.dll 内)