
方法 : 要素の Height プロパティを設定する

更新 : 2007 年 11 月


この例では、Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) の高さに関連する 4 つのプロパティについて、レンダリング動作の違いを視覚的に示します。

FrameworkElement クラスは、要素の高さの特性を記述する 4 つのプロパティを公開します。これらの 4 つのプロパティは競合する可能性がありますが、その場合は、MinHeight 値、MaxHeight 値、Height 値の順序で優先して使用されます。4 つ目のプロパティ ActualHeight は読み取り専用です。

次の Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) の例では、Rectangle 要素 (rect1) を Canvas の子として描画します。Rectangle の高さのプロパティは、MinHeightMaxHeight、および Height の各プロパティ値を表す一連の ListBox を使用して変更できます。この方法では、各プロパティの優先順位が表示されます。

<Canvas Height="200" MinWidth="200" Background="#b0c4de" VerticalAlignment="Top"  HorizontalAlignment="Center" Name="myCanvas" Margin="0,0,0,50">
    <Rectangle HorizontalAlignment="Center" Canvas.Top="50" Canvas.Left="50"  Name="rect1" Fill="#4682b4" Height="100" Width="100"/>


    <TextBlock Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0" Margin="10,0,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap">Set the Rectangle Height:</TextBlock>
    <ListBox Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="1" Margin="10,0,0,0" Height="50" Width="50" SelectionChanged="changeHeight">

    <TextBlock Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="2" Margin="10,0,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap">Set the Rectangle MinHeight:</TextBlock>
    <ListBox Grid.Column="3" Grid.Row="1" Margin="10,0,0,0" Height="50" Width="50" SelectionChanged="changeMinHeight">

    <TextBlock Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="4" Margin="10,0,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap">Set the Rectangle MaxHeight:</TextBlock>
    <ListBox Grid.Column="5" Grid.Row="1" Margin="10,0,0,0" Height="50" Width="50" SelectionChanged="changeMaxHeight">

次の分離コードの例では、SelectionChanged イベントによって発生したイベントを処理します。各カスタム メソッドは ListBox から入力を受け取り、値を Double として解析し、指定された高さに関連するプロパティに値を適用します。高さの値は文字列にも変換され、txt1 という名前の TextBlock 要素に書き込まれます。

Private Sub changeHeight(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal args As SelectionChangedEventArgs)
    Dim li As ListBoxItem = CType(CType(sender, ListBox).SelectedItem, ListBoxItem)
    Dim sz1 As Double = Double.Parse(li.Content.ToString())
    rect1.Height = sz1
    txt1.Text = "ActualHeight is set to " + rect1.ActualHeight.ToString
    txt2.Text = "Height is set to " + rect1.Height.ToString
    txt3.Text = "MinHeight is set to " + rect1.MinHeight.ToString
    txt4.Text = "MaxHeight is set to " + rect1.MaxHeight.ToString
End Sub
Private Sub changeMinHeight(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal args As SelectionChangedEventArgs)

    Dim li As ListBoxItem = CType(CType(sender, ListBox).SelectedItem, ListBoxItem)
    Dim sz1 As Double = Double.Parse(li.Content.ToString())
    rect1.MinHeight = sz1
    txt1.Text = "ActualHeight is set to " + rect1.ActualHeight.ToString
    txt2.Text = "Height is set to " + rect1.Height.ToString
    txt3.Text = "MinHeight is set to " + rect1.MinHeight.ToString
    txt4.Text = "MaxHeight is set to " + rect1.MaxHeight.ToString
End Sub
Private Sub changeMaxHeight(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal args As SelectionChangedEventArgs)

    Dim li As ListBoxItem = CType(CType(sender, ListBox).SelectedItem, ListBoxItem)
    Dim sz1 As Double = Double.Parse(li.Content.ToString())
    rect1.MaxHeight = sz1
    txt1.Text = "ActualHeight is set to " + rect1.ActualHeight.ToString
    txt2.Text = "Height is set to " + rect1.Height.ToString
    txt3.Text = "MinHeight is set to " + rect1.MinHeight.ToString
    txt4.Text = "MaxHeight is set to " + rect1.MaxHeight.ToString
End Sub
private void changeHeight(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs args)
    ListBoxItem li = ((sender as ListBox).SelectedItem as ListBoxItem);
    Double sz1 = Double.Parse(li.Content.ToString());
    rect1.Height = sz1;
    txt1.Text= "ActualHeight is set to " + rect1.ActualHeight;
    txt2.Text= "Height is set to " + rect1.Height;
    txt3.Text= "MinHeight is set to " + rect1.MinHeight;
    txt4.Text= "MaxHeight is set to " + rect1.MaxHeight;
private void changeMinHeight(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs args)
    ListBoxItem li = ((sender as ListBox).SelectedItem as ListBoxItem);
    Double sz1 = Double.Parse(li.Content.ToString());
    rect1.MinHeight = sz1;
    txt1.Text= "ActualHeight is set to " + rect1.ActualHeight;
    txt2.Text= "Height is set to " + rect1.Height;
    txt3.Text= "MinHeight is set to " + rect1.MinHeight;
    txt4.Text= "MaxHeight is set to " + rect1.MaxHeight;
private void changeMaxHeight(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs args)
    ListBoxItem li = ((sender as ListBox).SelectedItem as ListBoxItem);
    Double sz1 = Double.Parse(li.Content.ToString());
    rect1.MaxHeight = sz1;
    txt1.Text= "ActualHeight is set to " + rect1.ActualHeight;
    txt2.Text= "Height is set to " + rect1.Height;
    txt3.Text= "MinHeight is set to " + rect1.MinHeight;
    txt4.Text= "MaxHeight is set to " + rect1.MaxHeight;

サンプル全体については、「Height プロパティのサンプル」を参照してください。



方法 : 要素の Width プロパティを設定する

Height プロパティのサンプル








