
Web API Query Function Reference

Query functions are functions that can be used as a filter criteria in a query. They accept parameters and return a boolean value.


Name Description

Above Function

Query function that evaluates whether the entity is above the referenced entity in the hierarchy.

AboveOrEqual Function

Query function that evaluates whether the entity is above or equal to the referenced entity in the hierarchy.

Between Function

Query function that evaluates whether the entity is between the referenced entities in the hierarchy.

Contains Function

Query function that evaluates whether the string contains the specified string.

EqualBusinessId Function

Query function that evaluates whether the value is equal to the specified business ID.

EqualUserId Function

Query function that evaluates whether the value is equal to the ID of the user.

EqualUserLanguage Function

Query function that evaluates whether the value is equal to the language for the user.

EqualUserOrUserHierarchy Function

Query function that evaluates whether the entity equals current user or their reporting hierarchy.

EqualUserOrUserHierarchyAndTeams Function

Query function that evaluates whether the entity equals current user or their reporting hierarchy and teams.

EqualUserOrUserTeams Function

Query function that evaluates whether the entity equals current user or user teams.

EqualUserTeams Function

Query function that evaluates whether the entity equals current user teams.

In Function

Query function that evaluates whether the value exists in a list of values.

InFiscalPeriod Function

Query function that evaluates whether the value is within the specified fiscal period.

InFiscalPeriodAndYear Function

Query function that evaluates whether the value is within the specified fiscal period and year.

InFiscalYear Function

Query function that evaluates whether the value is within the specified fiscal year.

InOrAfterFiscalPeriodAndYear Function

Query function that evaluates whether the value is within or after the specified fiscal period and year.

InOrBeforeFiscalPeriodAndYear Function

Query function that evaluates whether the value is within or before the specified fiscal period and year.

Last7Days Function

Query function to evaluate whether the value is within the last seven days including today.

LastFiscalPeriod Function

Query function to evaluate whether the value is within the last fiscal period.

LastFiscalYear Function

Query function to evaluate whether the value is within the last fiscal year.

LastMonth Function

Query function to evaluate whether the value is within the last fiscal year.

LastWeek Function

Query function to evaluate whether the value is within the last week.

LastXDays Function

Query function to evaluate whether the value is within the last X days.

LastXFiscalPeriods Function

Query function to evaluate whether the value is within the last X fiscal periods.

LastXFiscalYears Function

Query function to evaluate whether the value is within the last X fiscal years.

LastXHours Function

Query function to evaluate whether the value is within the last X hours

LastXMonths Function

Query function to evaluate whether the value is within the last X months.

LastXWeeks Function

Query function to evaluate whether the value is within the last X weeks.

LastXYears Function

Query function to evaluate whether the value is within the last X years.

LastYear Function

Query function to evaluate whether the value is within the last year.

Next7Days Function

Query function to evaluate whether the value is within the next 7 days.

NextFiscalPeriod Function

Query function to evaluate whether the value is in the next fiscal period.

NextFiscalYear Function

Query function to evaluate whether the value is in the next fiscal year.

NextMonth Function

Query function to evaluate whether the value is in the next month.

NextWeek Function

Query function to evaluate whether the value is in the next week.

NextXDays Function

Query function to evaluate whether the value is in the next X days.

NextXFiscalPeriods Function

Query function to evaluate whether the value is in the next X fiscal periods.

NextXFiscalYears Function

Query function to evaluate whether the value is in the next X fiscal years.

NextXHours Function

Query function to evaluate whether the value is in the next X hours.

NextXMonths Function

Query function to evaluate whether the value is in the next X months.

NextXWeeks Function

Query function to evaluate whether the value is in the next X weeks.

NextXYears Function

Query function to evaluate whether the value is in the next X years.

NextYear Function

Query function to evaluate whether the value is in the next X year.

NotBetween Function

Query function to evaluate whether the value is not between two values.

NotEqualBusinessId Function

Query function that evaluate whether value is not equal to the specified business ID.

NotEqualUserId Function

Query function that evaluate whether value is not equal to the specified user ID.

NotIn Function

Query function to evaluate whether the value is not matched to a value in a subquery or a list.

NotUnder Function

Query function that evaluates whether the specified is not below the referenced record in the hierarchy.

OlderThanXDays Function

Query function to evaluate whether the value is older than the specified amount of days.

OlderThanXHours Function

Query function to evaluate whether the value is older than the specified amount of hours.

OlderThanXMinutes Function

Query function to evaluate whether the value is older than the specified amount of minutes.

OlderThanXMonths Function

Query function to evaluate whether the value is older than the specified amount of months.

OlderThanXWeeks Function

Query function to evaluate whether the value is older than the specified amount of weeks.

OlderThanXYears Function

Query function to evaluate whether the value is older than the specified amount of years.

On Function

Query function to evaluate whether the value is on the specified date.

OnOrAfter Function

Query function to evaluate whether the value is on or after the specified date.

OnOrBefore Function

Query function to evaluate whether the value is on or before the specified date.

ThisFiscalPeriod Function

Query function that evaluates whether the value is within the current fiscal period.

ThisFiscalYear Function

Query function that evaluates whether the value is within the current fiscal year.

ThisMonth Function

Query function that evaluates whether the value is within the current month.

ThisWeek Function

Query function that evaluates whether the value is within the current week.

ThisYear Function

Query function that evaluates whether the value is within the current year.

Today Function

Query function that evaluates whether the value equals today’s date.

Tomorrow Function

Query function that evaluates whether the value equals tomorrow’s date.

Under Function

Query function that evaluates whether the entity is below the referenced record in the hierarchy.

UnderOrEqual Function

Query function that evaluates whether the entity is under or equal to the referenced entity in the hierarchy.

Yesterday Function

Query function that evaluates whether the entity is under or equal to the referenced entity in the hierarchy.


Web API Function Reference

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Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online
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