
How to: Customize the Navigation Pane

The navigation pane contains one or more menus and Departments that have been defined for your role. The menus in the navigation pane contain links to lists. You access task pages, reports, and documents from the lists.

You can customize the navigation pane with the Customize Navigation Pane window.

To open the customize navigation pane window

  • On the Application menu Microsoft Dynamics NAV Application menu, choose Customize, and then choose Customize Navigation Pane.

Renaming or Rearranging Buttons in your Navigation Pane

You cannot move, rename, or remove the Home button. The Departments button can be removed from the Navigation Pane, but not renamed or moved. However, you can move, rename, or remove other menu buttons in your navigation pane.

To move, rename, or remove buttons in your navigation pane

  • In the Customize Navigation Pane dialog box, in the left pane, select the button that you want to move, rename, or remove and then choose the relevant button in the middle of the window.

Creating a New Menu Button

To add a new button to your navigation pane

  1. In the Customize Navigation Pane dialog box, choose New and then type a name in the Name field.

  2. Choose the OK button.

Now you can add links to the menu.

If you have permission to view a list, such as the sales order list, you can add a link to the list to one of the menus in your navigation pane.

  1. In the Customize Navigation Pane dialog box, in the Navigation pane buttons field, select the menu that you want to add the link to.

  2. Choose the Add button.

  3. Browse to the link that you want to add, and then choose the OK button.

If you find a link in the Departments pages, you can also add it to the navigation pane. For more information, see Adding a Link from Departments to Your Role Center

  1. In the Customize Navigation Pane dialog box, in the Navigation pane buttons field, select the menu where the link currently appears.

  2. In the Lists pane, select the link that you want to move, and then choose Move To or Copy To

  3. Select the menu that you want to add the link to, and then choose the OK button.

To rearrange the order of a menu

  1. In the Lists pane, select the link that you want to move.

  2. Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to position the link.

Restoring Default Settings

If you want to cancel all the changes that you have made (and saved) to the navigation pane, you can do this in the Customize Navigation Pane dialog box. This will restore the navigation pane that your administrator defined for you.

To restore default settings

  • Choose Restore Defaults and then choose the OK button.

Your changes will appear in the navigation pane when you restart Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

See Also


How to: Add Department Links to the Role Center


Personalize the User Interface


Learn About the RoleTailored Design

Other Resources

Customizing Role Center and Pages