
How to: Create Generic Charts

In addition to specific charts, such as the Finance Performance window, that you cannot create from scratch, Microsoft Dynamics NAV provides the flexible Generic Chart Setup window where you can combine any table or query data with multiple chart properties to create an unlimited number of generic charts for any user.

You can add generic charts to FactBoxes and Role Centers, and you can view any list place as a default chart or as your customized chart by choosing Show as Chart. For more information, see How to: Add Charts to Role Centers and List Places.

To create a generic chart

  1. In the Search box, enter Generic Charts, and then choose the related link.

  2. On the Home tab, in the New group, choose New. An empty chart card opens.

  3. On the General FastTab, fill in the fields as described in the following table.

    Field Description


    Enter a value to identify the chart. Use systematic values in the ID, to help you identify the chart, such as source table number.

    Do not use special characters in the ID field.


    Enter a short descriptive title for the chart.

  4. On the Data Source FastTab, fill in the fields as described in the following table.

    Field Description

    Source Type

    Select what type of data object, table or query, to base the chart on.

    Source ID

    Select the source object that the chart is based on.


    Set one or more filters if you want to delimit which field values in the selected object the chart is based on.

  5. On the Measures (Y-Axis) FastTab, specify for up to six fields how the values are aggregated and shown on the y-axis in the chart. You must select values for at least one row. Fill in the fields as described in the following table.

    Field Description

    Data Column

    Specify which field or fields in the source object the values on the Y-axis are based on.


    Specify how data on the y-axis is aggregated, such as by the sum or by the maximum values.

    Graph Type

    Specify how data is shown graphically in the chart, such as column, line, or pie view.


    Specify the caption that is shown next to the y-axis.

    The value of the Data Column field is entered by default, but you can overwrite it.

  6. On the Dimensions (X-and Z-Axes) FastTab, fill in the fields as described in the following table.


    Specify which field in the source object the values on the x-axis is based on.

    X-Axis Caption

    Enter an alternative caption that you want to see under the x-axis in the chart. The caption of the field you select in the X-Axis field is inserted by default.

    Show X-Axis Caption

    Specify if the caption, the default or the alternative, is shown in the chart.


    Specify which field in the source object the values on the z-axis is based on.

    Three-dimensional charts are only possible for one measure. Therefore, this field is unavailable if you have selected more than one measure, on the Measure (Y-Axis) FastTab.

  7. On the Chart Description FastTab, enter a description of the chart in the Description field. Use up to 500 characters. The description text appears in the chart to provide user documentation for the chart.

The Chart Type Preview FastTab shows an example of the chart that results as you fill in the fields in the Generic Chart Setup window.


The preview is based on random data. It is only meant to provide an example of the chart type.

When you are satisfied with the chart, you can add it to any list place, FactBox, and Role Center. For more information, see How to: Add Charts to Role Centers and List Places.

To edit a generic chart

  1. In the Generic Charts window, select the chart that you want to edit. On the Home tab, in the Manage group, choose Edit.

  2. Edit the fields as described in steps to 3 through 7 under “To create a chart”.

To copy a generic chart

  1. In the Generic Charts window, select the chart that you want to copy to create a new chart. Alternatively, open the Generic Chart Setup window of the chart that you want to copy.

  2. On the Actions tab, in the Functions group, choose Copy Chart.

  3. In the Copy Chart window, specify the chart ID and name of the new chart that you want to create based on the copied chart.

  4. Choose the OK button. The new chart is created and added to the list in the Generic Charts window.

See Also


Work with Data

Other Resources

Generic Charts
Generic Chart Setup
Finance Performance