
C/AL Comments

You can insert comments about your C/AL code or comment out parts of your code to prevent execution. The following are the two ways to insert comments in C/AL:

  • Use "//" to insert a single line comment.

    When the "//" symbol is encountered in your code, the rest of the line is interpreted as a comment.

    You can add and remove comment marks manually or use the Comment Selection and Uncomment Selection options in the Edit menu. The Comment Selection and Uncomment Selection options enable you to comment or uncomment multiple lines of code all at once.

    • To comment lines of code, select the lines, and then, in the Edit menu, choose Comment Selection.

    • To uncomment lines of code, select the lines, and then choose Uncomment Selection.


      To use the Uncomment Selection, all the lines of code that you select must have comment marks.

  • Use "{" and "}" to mark the start and end, respectively, of a block of comments.

You can nest any number of comments. In such cases, the comment runs from the first comment start to the last comment end.

Example 1

This is a sample comment which is ignored by the C/AL compiler

Example 2

// This is also a sample comment which is ignored by the C/AL compiler

Example 3

{ This comment { is partly inside } another comment }

Example 4

This example shows what you should not do.

A := 34;
B := 56;      {******************
C := 345;      * Don’t do this! *
D := 781;      ******************}

Because the comment is to the right of the C/AL statements, the system assumes that the third and fourth lines are part of the comment. That is, only A and B are assigned values, while C and D are not. Instead you should use single line comments.

A := 34;
B := 56;       //*******************
C := 345;      //* Do it this way! *
D := 781;      //*******************