
AfterCursorAttach Event

Occurs immediately after the CursorAdapter object attempts to attach the cursor. You can use this event to perform tasks such as customize cursors and cursor adapters as appropriate and perform validations.

PROCEDURE Object.AfterCursorAttach
LPARAMETERS cAlias, lResult


  • cAlias
    Specifies the alias of the attached cursor or table.

  • lResult
    Specifies True (.T.) if the cursor or table attached successfully and False (.F.) if not attached successfully.


Applies To: CursorAdapter Class

In Visual FoxPro 9.0, the target record is kept current in an ADODB.Recordset during the AfterCursorAttach event.

See Also


CursorAdapter Object Properties, Methods, and Events

BeforeCursorAttach Event

CursorAttach Method

Other Resources

Methods (Visual FoxPro)