
Report Control Properties Dialog Box (Report Builder)

Makes it possible for you to set options for report controls on your report layout.

This dialog box appears when you choose Properties from the context menu of a report control, or when you double-click a report control.


This dialog box is only displayed if the _REPORTBUILDER system variable is set to the default Report Builder application. If it is empty, or has been set to a third-party report builder, the native Visual FoxPro dialog box (or a third-party dialog box) may appear. For more information, see _REPORTBUILDER System Variable.

The following table lists the tabs that exist in the Report Control Properties dialog box and are available as appropriate.


When modifying the report or label in protected mode, some or all tabs might not be available as specified by protection mode settings.



General Tab, Report Control Properties Dialog Box (Report Builder)

Makes it possible for you to set general options for report controls in the Report Designer or Label Designer.

Style Tab, Report Control Properties Dialog Box (Report Builder)

(Label, Field, Line, and Shape controls only.)

Makes it possible for you to set style options for report controls in the Report Designer or Label Designer.

Format Tab, Report Control Properties Dialog Box (Report Builder)

(Label and Field controls only.)

Makes it possible for you to specify format expressions for output generated from Field report controls in the Report Designer or Label Designer.

Print When Tab, Report Control Properties Dialog Box (Report Builder)

Makes it possible for you to specify whether to repeat display of report controls or values in output for reports and labels.

Calculate Tab, Report Control Properties Dialog Box (Report Builder)

(Field controls only.)

Makes it possible for you to specify a calculation to perform on Field control expressions and display the calculation results instead of the expression. You can also specify the point at which to reset the calculation in the report.

Protection Tab, Report Control Properties Dialog Box (Report Builder)

Makes it possible for you to set protection options for a report control that prevent the user from changing the control in the Report Designer or Label Designer when modifying the report or label in protected mode.

Other Tab, Report Control Properties Dialog Box (Report Builder)

Makes it possible for you to add comments, user data, and code elements that you can run using ReportListener objects for report controls in the Report Designer or Label Designer.

Dynamics Tab, Report Control Properties Dialog Box (Report Builder)

Enables you to specify one or more expressions that change the run-time display properties of the report controls.

Advanced Tab, Report Control Properties Dialog Box (Report Builder)

Allows you to set, add, or delete custom properties for a report control, and change the rotation of the control.

See Also

Other Resources

Working with Report Controls

Dialog Boxes (Visual FoxPro)