
IIsComputer (WMI)

This class corresponds to the LM key in the metabase which deals with the entire configuration of your Web server. Because of its scope, methods such as Export and Import can handle all or part of the metabase.

CIM_ApplicationSystem (WMI)

Methods in Vtable Order

The IIsComputer object defines the following methods, in addition to those inherited from CIM_ApplicationSystem (WMI).



IIsComputer.SaveData (WMI)

The SaveData method triggers IIS to create a set of history files that back up the entire IIS metabase. History files can only be restored to the computer on which the files were created.

IIsComputer.BackupWithPassword (WMI)

The BackupWithPassword method backs up the metabase to a location you specify by providing a backup location name of up to 100 characters in length and a password valid for the targeted computer. Multiple metabase backups can be stored in a backup location.

IIsComputer.DeleteBackup (WMI)

The DeleteBackup method deletes a metabase backup from a backup location.

IIsComputer.EnumBackups (WMI)

The EnumBackups method enumerates metabase backups stored in one or more backup locations, retrieving the location, version number, and date of each backup.

IIsComputer.RestoreWithPassword (WMI)

The RestoreWithPassword method restores the metabase from a backup and requires a valid password (but only if one was used when the BackupWithPassword method was invoked). The restore operation stops all services dependent on the IIS Admin service (including all servers) until the restore has completed; then it restarts all services. Because of this, if you are restoring the metabase by using a script in an ASP page, you must specify a machine name (and the associated password) other than the one on which your script is executing. You cannot use LocalHost as the machine name. You should be careful to plan for this service interruption when restoring the metabase from a backup.

IIsComputer.Export (WMI)

IIsComputer.Import (WMI)

IIsComputer.RestoreHistory (WMI)

The RestoreHistory method restores the entire metabase from a set of history files that are periodically created by IIS. You can only use history files that were created on the same computer.

IIsComputer.EnumHistory (WMI)

The EnumHistory method enumerates metabase history files stored in one or more backup locations, retrieving the location, version number, and date of each automated backup.


The IIsComputer object defines the following property, in addition to those inherited from CIM_ApplicationSystem (WMI).


Data type




The Name property defines the label by which the object is known. When subclassed, the Name property can be overridden to be a Key property.


Server: Requires or Windows Server 2003.

Product: IIS

See Also