
Delete (Records) Dialog Box

Lets you mark records for deletion. Corresponds to the DELETE command.

This command does not physically delete records, but only marks them for deletion in the future. To permanently delete records from the hard disk, use Remove Deleted Records in the Table Menu.

  • Scope
    Allows you to specify the records on which Visual FoxPro is to act. Choose Next, All, Record or Rest from the drop-down list. Choose a number from the spinner on the right when you select Next or Record from the Scope drop-down list.

  • For
    Displays the Expression Builder Dialog Box, where you create the logical expression that every record must meet to be affected by the command. Every record in the table is tested using the For expression.

  • While
    Displays the Expression Builder Dialog Box. The While expression specifies that the action affects records only as long as the logical expression is true. The first time the expression evaluates to false, the action ceases without considering remaining records.

  • Delete
    Deletes records using the Scope, For, and While values.

See Also


DELETE Command

Expression Builder Dialog Box

Recall (Records) Dialog Box

Scope Dialog Box

Replace Field Dialog Box

Other Resources

Dialog Boxes (Visual FoxPro)