Modifying Data in ADO.NET
A key function of any database application is the ability to update the data that is stored in the database. In ADO.NET, updating data involves using the DataAdapter and DataSet, and Command objects; and it may also involve using transactions.
In This Section
- Updating Data Sources with DataAdapters
Describes how to use a DataAdapter to resolve changes in a DataSet back to the database.
- Updating Data Sources with Commands
Describes how to use a data provider to execute stored procedures or data definition language (DDL) statements.
- Performing Transactions
Describes how to perform database transactions using ADO.NET.
- Performing Batch Operations Using DataAdapters
Describes enhancing application performance by reducing the number of round trips to SQL Server when applying updates from the DataSet.
Related Sections
- What's New in ADO.NET
Introduces features that are new in ADO.NET.
- Overview of ADO.NET
Provides an introduction to the design and components of ADO.NET.
- Securing ADO.NET Applications
Describes secure coding practices when using ADO.NET.
- Using DataSets in ADO.NET
Describes how to create and use DataSets, typed DataSets, DataTables, and DataViews.
- Connecting and Retrieving Data in ADO.NET
Describes how to connect to a data source and retrieve data, including DataReaders and DataAdapters.
- Using the .NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server
Describes how to work with features and functionality that are specific to SQL Server.
- Using the .NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle
Describes features and behaviors that are specific to the .NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle.
- Using SQL Server Common Language Runtime Integration
Describes how data can be accessed from within a common language runtime (CLR) database object in SQL Server 2005.
- Writing Provider Independent Code in ADO.NET
Describes generic classes that allow you to write provider-independent code in ADO.NET.
- Performing General Tasks in ADO.NET
Describes how to use various general-purpose features of ADO.NET.
- Finding Additional ADO.NET Information
Provides links to additional online information about ADO.NET.