
Failed Auths / Sec.

Performance Counters

This topic discusses the uses of performance counters with the Passport Manager.

Installing Performance Counters for the Passport Manager

Passport Manager comes with several dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) that provide performance information to the Microsoft® Windows NT® Perfmon administrative tool. The following files are required to provide information to Perfmon and EventMon:

  • Msppalrt.dll
  • Msppmalr.dll
  • Msppcntr.dll
  • Msppcntr.h
  • Msppcntr.ini

The files with .h and .ini extensions are used to provide exchangeable text for the underlying notification codes. The DLLs are registered automatically by the Passport Manager Setup program.

After Passport Manager has been installed, make sure Microsoft® Internet Information Services (IIS) is running, and then run Perfmon. (From the Administrative Tools menu**, select Performance Monitor**.) You can add counters specific to Passport Manager to a report, chart, or log by clicking Add to on the Edit menu. Specific information on each performance counter can be found by clicking Explain.

General Information on Counters

There are two general groups of counters: total counters and per-second counters. The following tables describe each group.

Total Counters

Per-Second Counters

Counter Description
Failed Auths / Sec. Averages the number of times per second that IsAuthenticated returns False.
Forced Signins / Sec. Averages the number of times per second that IsAuthenticated failed specifically because of the ForceSignin requirement (ForceLogin was True). This is a subset of the "Failed Auths / Sec." count.
New Cookies / Sec. Averages the number of new cookies written by Passport Manager upon receipt of valid Ticket and Profile from a Login server.
Profile Commits / Sec. Averages the number of times per second that Profiles were committed and written to local cookies.
Profile Updates / Sec. Averages the number of times per second that Profiles were updated.
Requests / Sec. Averages the number of calls per second for all IsAuthenticated calls, regardless of success or failure.
Successful Auths / Sec. Averages the number of times per second that IsAuthenticated returns True.
Valid Profile Requests / Sec. Averages valid requests for Profile information by means of the Profile property (or get_Profile in C++). Invalid requests generate a Windows NT event.

See Also

Passport Manager Windows NT Events