


Initializes the Passport Manager object using the supplied input variables instead of handling query strings and cookies through the built-in OnStartPage method. OnStartPageHTTPRaw replaces OnStartPageManual. This method can be used to debug Microsoft® Internet Information Services (IIS)-related instantiation problems.

Important  When you are writing a C++ ISAPI extension, either IPassportManager::OnStartPageECB or IPassportManager3::OnStartPageHTTPRaw must be called to initialize the Passport Manager object before any other Passport Manager methods will give correct results.


    LPCSTR request_line,
    LPCSTR headers, 
    DWORD flags, 
    DWORD *pRespHeadersSize
    LPSTR pRespHeaders 


  • request_line
    [in, string] An LPCSTR representing the first line in an HTTP request as defined in HTTP version 1.1. It has the format GET URI HTTP/1.1.
  • headers
    [in, string] An LPCSTR representing the HTTP headers of the request.
  • flags
    [in] A  DWORD representing flags for the OnStartPageHeaders method, currently defined as the following constant: const int PASSPORT_HEADER_FLAGS_HTTPS = 0x1;
  • pRespHeadersSize
    [in,out] A DWORD representing the size of the output buffer described in pRespHeaders.
  • pRespHeaders
    [out,size_is(*pRespHeadersSize)] An LPSTR representing an output buffer for the response header, such as SetCookie. The buffer is provided by the caller.

Return values

Returns one of the following values:

S_OK Success.
PP_E_NOT_CONFIGURED Passport Manager configuration settings in the registry are missing or bad.
E_OUTOFMEMORY Not enough memory.


OnStartPageHTTPRaw replaces OnStartPageManual to allow implementation of SSL sign-in.

This method cannot be scripted, so no corresponding method is documented in the Microsoft® Visual Basic® Scripting Edition (VBScript) reference section.

See Also

SSL Sign-In