
Tablet Class

Tablet Class

Represents the digitizer device of Tablet PC that receives tablet device messages or events.


Visual Basic .NET Public Class Tablet
Inherits Object
C# public class Tablet : Object
Managed C++ public __gc class Tablet : public Object

Members Table

The following table lists the members exposed by the object.


Method Description
Equals Leave Site Determines whether two Object Leave Site instances are equal. Inherited from Object Leave Site.
Finalize Leave Site Allows an Object Leave Site to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object Leave Site is reclaimed by garbage collection. Inherited from Object Leave Site.
GetHashCode Leave Site Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table. Inherited from Object Leave Site.
GetPropertyMetrics Returns the metrics data for a known PacketProperty object.
GetType Leave Site Gets the Type Leave Site of the current instance. Inherited from Object Leave Site.
IsPacketPropertySupported Returns a value that indicates whether a PacketProperty field, identified with a globally unique identifier (GUID), is supported by this Tablet object.
MemberwiseClone Leave Site Creates a shallow copy of the current Object Leave Site. Inherited from Object Leave Site.
static (Shared in Visual Basic .NET)ReferenceEquals Leave Site Determines whether the specified Object Leave Site instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object Leave Site.
ToString Returns a string that represents the current Tablet object.


Property Description
HardwareCapabilities Gets a value from the TabletHardwareCapabilities enumeration that defines the hardware capabilities of the Tablet object.
MaximumInputRectangle Gets the maximum input rectangle, in tablet device coordinates, that the Tablet object supports.
Name Gets the name of the Tablet object.
PlugAndPlayId Gets a string representation of the Plug and Play identifier of the Tablet object.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Object Leave Site



You can use the Tablet object to determine the hardware capabilities of the tablet device. A Tablet PC may have more than one digitizer attached in addition to the built-in digitizer.

Tablet objects work closely with ink collectors. An ink collector (InkCollector, InkOverlay, or InkPicture) can be set to one of two tablet-related modes:

  • All tablets mode
  • Single tablet integrated mode

The default mode is all tablets mode (set with the SetAllTabletsMode method of the InkCollector, InkOverlay, or InkPicture). This mode integrates all tablet devices if multiple devices are attached to Tablet PC. Because all of the tablets are integrated, available cursors can be used on any of the tablet devices, and each tablet maps to the entire screen. This allows automatic updating of the windows.

Class Information

Namespace Microsoft.Ink
Assembly Microsoft.Ink (microsoft.ink.dll)
Strong Name Microsoft.Ink, Version=1.7.4009.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a2870d9cc4d021c8

See Also