
InkOverlay.Ink Property

InkOverlay.Ink Property

Gets or sets the Ink object that is associated with the InkOverlay object.


Visual Basic .NET Public Property Ink As Ink
C# public Ink Ink { get; set; }
Managed C++ public: __property Ink* get_Ink();
public: __property void set_Ink(Ink*);

Property Value

Microsoft.Ink.Ink. The Ink object that is associated with the InkOverlay object.

This property is read/write. This property has no default value.


ArgumentNullException Leave Site:
COMException Leave Site:
InvalidOperationException Leave Site: The ink cannot be changed while the InkCollector is actively collecting ink.
ObjectDisposedException Leave Site:


Note: The InkOverlay object must be disabled before setting this property. To disable the InkOverlay object, set the Enabled property to false. You can then set the Ink property, and re-enable the InkOverlay object by setting the Enabled property to true.

An InkOverlay object creates an Ink object by default. If two or more Ink objects exist on a known application window, they can be switched out to enable collection into any one of them (such as after deserializing one of the Ink objects).



This C# example returns the associated Ink object for an InkOverlay, theInkOverlay.

Ink theInk = theInkOverlay.Ink;


This Microsoft® Visual Basic® .NET example returns the associated Ink object for an InkOverlay, theInkOverlay.

Dim theInk as Ink = theInkOverlay.Ink

See Also